Thinking Of Getting Ghost Shrimp


Fish Crazy
Feb 27, 2007
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im wondering what do ghost shrimp need? i have no ideas. plus i can't find any good websites. so any help would be great thanks
What sie tank are you putting them in to?

What tankmates will they have?

Ghost shrimp are great. :) Personally, I'd love to have more, Oscar thinks of them as tasty snack between meals. LOL Which is why I'm going to be setting up a tank devoted to them. They are very cool and a lot of things will find them simply delicious. LOL

If you are going to put them with tankmates, make sure that they are something that won't eat them. I had mine in with guppies and a pleco. It worked fine until I added the Oscar. LOL

They'll eat anything, and make the tank very clean. :) That's why I like them. :)
it would be just them in a 2 1/2. and some in a ten gallon with some bettas. the ones in the 2 1/2 would be frog food but it is gonna be pretty for their last days alive. how many can i put in the 2 1/2 at a time? and how many in the ten they would be with female bettas and eventually some small rams. also would they be good companions for my male bettas? and what is the best thing to feed them? thanks a bunch!!
You can feed them algae tablets! my male beta doesnt bother my ghost shrimp at all.
Adding shrimp with bettas is hit or miss.. My betta spent all day trying to kill my shrimp.

LOL...Yepeprs, know this one well, at this point.

My Oscar started making snacks of my original ghosties. So, I saved the ones I could and put them in with my girlfriend's bettas. She has a female and a male. The male leaves them alone, pretty much. The female, however, has eaten every last one she can find. :(

Bascially, remember that ghost shrimp are at the bottom of the food chain. Everything will will eat them. :( Of course, I'm going to try my hand at breeding them, for my Oscar. :) Also, they are really cool to watch. :) When you put some food in the tank, and see them hang upside down while eating it...that's just fun right there. LOL
whats the best thing to feed them? i got some last night and they seem to like the betta food that i gave them. also they shed right? do they need good water or no. i put them in my 2 1/2 gallon. i think theres maybe 11 of them but i think two died this morning or its shed skin i have to look better later i scooped it out but thats all i had time for. the tank has no heater or filter but the room stays about 75f . is that ok plus if i put some of them w the bettas can they go with snails? thanks a lot guys.
You might want to think about a sponge filter, just help polish the water. They'll keep the tank clean, honestly.

As far as food goes, you can feed them anything. I feed the ones we have tropical flake food and they teat it just fine. :) I would imagine the betta pellets would work as well. :)

I don't think the heater will be an issue, as long as it doesn't get much below about 70.
cool is their any trick to make them easier to see. otherwise the tank looks empty. are they good with snails? sorry i just bubbling with questions. :rolleyes:

i really like them.
Questions are no problem. :) I'm a huge fan now too. :)

I have yet to find a way to make them easier to see. Hoenstly, I usually count them during feedin, since it's easier to find them. :) I really miss them in my 55 gallon, as they kept the sand so clean, I didn't have to do any vacuuming. :(

You will find that as you have them longer, you'll find them easier. The couple of big ones I had, eaten now :( , were very easy for me to find, since I had been looking for them everyday.

I can't wait to get a bunch more and put them in a tank by themselves. I want to see what the babies look like. :)
what a bout a small colored light? they do that with some jellyfish at the s really cool plus it helps.
I, honestly, don't know. I hadn't thought of that. I may have to try that myself. :) I'm in the process of setting up their tank. :) So, I can find out a couple of weeks. :)

I'm going to be pulling some media from my other tanks and getting the process of cycling started. :) I might even borrow a couple of fish from my 20 gallon tank, just to get things moving along quickly. :)

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