Thinking Of Getting A Couple Of Cory's, Advice Please!


Fish Fanatic
Mar 19, 2008
Reaction score
York, UK
Hi guys :)

I currently have a 30l Biorb tank with one Betta splendens in there. He is quite placid, so I am thinking of getting a few cory's to *fingers crossed* keep him company. Currently in the tank I have two pieces of bogwood with a java fern on one, and anubias barteri on the other. One the floor over the biorb substrate I have around 6-7 smooth pebbles and about 10 moss balls.

1. Is my tank suitable?
2. What species of cory would I be advisable to get? I am assuming a small one... pygmy cory?
3. How many in a 30l?

Thanks for any advice given! if possible could you post scientific names or pictures of the recommended cory's as I know pet shops often mislabel fish.

Martha x
For a tank that small, you would be very limitted on number unless you get one of the pygmy ones like hastatus or cochui or pygmaeus. All 3 are quite small. The "skunk" and "panda" are also fairly small but with them I would want to stay around 3 or 4. With the pygmy varieties you might be able to go to 5. The betta should be fine with any of them as far as conflicts. Cories are peaceful with other fish and they don't spend much time near the top of the tank like a betta so there would be little conflict that way.
Just looked at some pics and I love the idea of a couple of panda corys. I'll see if the local fish store has any and if not i might order 4 from trimar (2 for each tank, same set up in both)

Thanks for the advice!

Martha xxx
Corys do much better and prefer to be in groups. You should keep 5 or more of the same kind together.
I don't know how 30l converts to gallons... I wouldn't think that would be very big though.
If it were me I would get 1 or 2 more of the same kind you already have... if your tank is large enough.
I'm not telling you what to do, but corys definately prefer to be with their own kind... and they do much better in groups. Just don't get too many for the tank. :good:
I don't think there would be anywhere near enough substrate in a Biorb to keep any Cory happy. Do you have any room for a 2ft tank?. I know some people really like Biorbs, but you have to be so careful about what you keep in there; the smaller the fish, the better. I honestly don't think they're suitable for keeping Corys healthy and happy. As has already been mentioned, Corys prefer groups (the larger the better) and there just wouldn't be enough room in a Biorb.
I have frequently seen Betta change temperment as they age. They can be very happy placid folk for a long while and then suddenly take exception to a tank mate or mates and go from sleeping with them to harrassing them. Something will trigger their territorial button.

Pandas are a lovely fish, but they are also sensitive to stress and water quality.

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