Thinking Of Getting A 30 Gal Shubunkin Set Up


Mar 13, 2007
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Well, considering that I don't have to heat the tank, and they aren't too picky on water parameters, It seems slightly easier than other fish. Am I right?
True shubunkin fish are a type of slim type goldfish so would need a larger tank in the long run as they can grow to over 10inches long. However there are many fish with shubunkin type colouring (although technically these fish would be calico colour/pattern-wise). If you go for a fancy type of goldfish like a veiltail/fantail (which often come in shubunkin/calico type colouring), then you could have two in a 30gal long tank though, slim type goldfish (non-fancy goldfish) on the other hand need at least a 75gal tank minimum. Most fancy goldfish will grow between 5-8inches long depending on the variety.
I've always had a soft spot for Ryukins, what about them in a 30 gallon?
You could get two double tailed types for your tank but make sure you have lots of media in your filter to cope with the waste.
The Dude, sorry to hijack your thread but may I ask if you are using a filter in your 2 Gallon tank? I have a 3 Gallon tank and im not sure if the fish appreciate their food wirring around above their head :D

Cheers for any help! :)

EDIT: Ahh I see your using an under gravel filter.

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