thinking of gettin betta


Fish Addict
Jul 6, 2005
Reaction score
southampton uk
hi all, am thinking of getting a betta. what size tank do i need and can they be kept by themselves of with other ones?
The most generally accepted size tank/bowl for a betta is 1 gallon minimum. The smaller the tank the more water changes you have to do so that is something to consider. It is also generally accepted that males should be kept alone. Having said that, I have successfully kept male bettas with ghost shrimp, snails, corys and whiteclouds but it depends on your set up, the fishes personalities and if you are willing to take the risk (it is a risk). Of late, I have decided it isn't worth the risk and the tank that my male betta Wraith shares with the cherry barbs is divided so they can't mix. The rest of them have their own tanks from 1 to 3 gallons in size. All of them happy and healthy.
They do not get lonely for other fish. They are territorial. Their instincts are wired to NOT want other fish around. They can generally accept other species, but do not NEED company. And they will fight others of their own kind. They'll even fight fish that look like they might be one of their own kind. Male bettas have been known to beat up on male guppies.
well one of my bettas actually likes to be in the guppy tank an starts no crap at all. left him in there all weekend.
one of my tanks crashed with my male beta in so i moved him into another tank with a bronzed cory in it (risky). they are all fine though and i have left him in.

it all depends on the fishes personalities

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