Thinking of changing filters in betta tanks...

Shadow on the sun

New Member
May 23, 2004
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I've had it with mini-whisper filters so I want to replace them in my betta tanks. What filters do you betta owners use/suggest for a 2.5 gallon tank?

Thanks in advance.
you were using a mini whisper in a 2.5? didnt you think it was strong? you could alwyas go with a corner or sponge filter. i got this one not too long ago and its great on the lowest flow level.
I should have done a more research before posting this...I found a good replacement! Azoo Palm filters.
I didn't see your

The whispers were absolutely fine flow wise. I had it set on the lowest setting and it never bothered the bubblenests that were built and the fish did not seem to be bothered by the water flow. The problem is they take up too much space and the motors are starting to have problems more often.

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