thinking of breeding 2 bettas


Fish Gatherer
Jan 31, 2005
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hi if i had 2 bettas male and female in a tank sepperated how would i know when to unite them together because i know that they fight so i will keep them apart for awhile until i know when the time is right.

do i let them go when the male starts making a bubble nest?
i have just done some research and i dont think i have got what it takes to breed these guys :no:

so i think i will just get the one and care for it like i do with all my other fish :D
guppy_man said:
i have just done some research and i dont think i have got what it takes to breed these guys :no:

so i think i will just get the one and care for it like i do with all my other fish :D

Y'know, I was totally expecting you to throw a temper tantrum and insist upon breeding them anyway.

Good for you! :)

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