Thinking Of An Upgrade


Fish Herder
Jun 19, 2010
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I was thinking of an upgrade - went to the LFS, saw a great tank. I want to go supernova this time! 6ft if not bigger. But no one seems to stock them that big. I've looked at juwel but didn't like them.
Budget is £1000 on tank. Any ideas where to look?

Also don't mind corner tanks instead.

How much is a metal halide lighting system going to cost for a tank that size (new)?

Thanks in advance!!

Ps. The tank I saw which was great was only 5ft! :(
I'd imagine for that budget you could get one built.

Or you could buy a 2nd one complete with cabinet and sump and with the money left over it might cover a decent skimmer or maybe even a lighting unit.
Or do you want brand new?

I know Shirley aquatics in brum were selling some of their large display tanks complete with a large sump, pipework and skimmer.

They had a flat 6ft square tank with halides, sump, plumbing, return pump and 2 heavy duty skimmers going for £800.

I was drooling when I saw it.

Maybe a lfs near you would strike a deal with ya.

Just a thought.
I tell you my local LFS don't even have displays ones on the size I'm looking for!! Brum is a bit to far for me sadly otherwise I'd be there in seconds!! Lol £1000 is the max!
Have a look at ndaquatics I made a custom for fun to see the price and I think a 7 foot was £1300.
Thanks liama! That website's great but I hate the tanks shinny wood look (yeh I'm a snob!! :)) that's what I didn't like about juwel. My one at the moment is fluval, nice wood finish! And the ones I've seen are solid oak!! But are small tanks!! :(
Thanks liama! That website's great but I hate the tanks shinny wood look (yeh I'm a snob!! :)) that's what I didn't like about juwel. My one at the moment is fluval, nice wood finish! And the ones I've seen are solid oak!! But are small tanks!! :(

What about the abyss in stockport? they have a tank in the middle of the shop which is made to order with a choice of different woods.
I live in London :( about 4 hour drive for me!

This is the type of finish I want, but the actual tank size is to small in width and height.
I see what you mean like a real good wood stand not some mdf with a bit of wood coloured sticky stuff on it.

I always look at tanks for sale so I will keep my eye out if I see a huge one.
Love the wood, gives it that top notch feel!
Could you find one with a metal stand and use some nice kitchen cabinet doors or the link to build around it, that way you get the finish you would prefer?
Seashell tanks are meant to be good! :D
That one is seashell!! :) I want that one, shame it's so small!!
They are lovely tanks, made very well! Love the ones my lfs has in from them! You want to find someone who buys from them (my lfs is too far I think lol) as at TAC Mark is very picky on his tanks and he says if there is anything slightly wrong he will complain to them, and they make another so the spare he gets at discounted prices and sells on a little less. Only things like a tiny chip or something not level etc so still useable!
Would save some money!

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