Thinking Of A 20G


spamming my way to the top...
Sep 27, 2005
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Sheffield (rules your rear-end!)
Hi all, fairly soon I may be getting a 20g or so tank, which will hopefully be planted. Now, I assume that I can "fit" a pair of apistos of some sort (hopefully one of the less common varieties) in there. However I have a problem in that I don't really desire the fry - will the apisto parents self regulate or will it be a case of trying to get rid of them? Half the reason I hope to go for a less common variety is so that they are relatively easy to "offload" to fish shops etc.

Tbh I'm not going to get them if it results in me having to cull healthy fry that have survived. So thanks anyway (also suggestions as to species would be good, but I'll be doing my research as well)
I too am looking at breeding apistos / rams in a 33USG tank in a month or two's time

Have you narrowed down the sort of fish you are thinking of?

What sort of pH do you expect to have in the tank?

I'm leaning towards Apistogramma cacatuoides / Apistogramma sp "Steel Blue" at the moment, and have just posted a topic on it here:

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