Thinking Ahead - Stocking Order For Fish - Some Advice?


New Member
Sep 23, 2008
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I have literally just set my tank up and getting some live rock tomorrow to kick start the cycle so won't be at this stage for a long while yet - but being prepared in all !!

My intended fish list is;

Two clowns
a blue tang

and a school of blue chromis

my tank is 6' x 18''x37'' (worked this out as 160 gallons/ just over 600 litres)

I found a stocking caculater on line - it advices 42'' of fish, so with the clown and tang i'm looking at 5 chromis

the clowns are the only must have - so any amendments/suggestions gratefully recieved - i really like the idea of schooling fish and my research so far would suggest that the chromis would be suitable for the other tank mates and a newbie like me!

What would be the best order to introduce the different species

and finally i understand that it is best practice to introduce the chromis in a odd number and all at the same time - i can't get my head around how my tank will cope a sudden influx of 5 fish ?

This may show a gapping hole in my knowledge - my understanding is that you would use pure ammonia in a fresh water tank - but the die off from live rock should give me an ammonia spike in my marine - would the best way of preparing my tank be to add dead shrimp/food in a stocking to immitate the level of ammiona the school would produce - or can i use pure ammonia - can you advice the best course of action and suggested quantities ?

By the way, regarding cycling, i'm in it for the long haul- i'd much rather buy a few pieces of live rock and sit back and wait for the tank to stabilse. I know this could/will take ages, i'm prepared wait. (Nearly fell over when i saw the prices of this stuff !)

Sorry forgot to add

This is a FOWLR, i've worked the stocking levels out at max sizes (clowns - 4'', blue tang 30'' and blue chromis 5'') will add CUC before fish - do i need to be taking them into account with stocking levels?
Nuts to chromis, too boring. Get yourself some Anthias if you want a beautiful schooling fish.

As for the rock, I'd add as much as you can at first and look into ordering online to save a little cash. I wouldn't bother using ammonia but instead once your tank stabilizes (ammonia/nitrite = 0) I'd just add a fish or maybe the clowns.

Also, the inch/gallon type rules mean very little in the marine world. compatibility, disease, and aggression are much larger concerns.
Thanks for the tip - the anthias are lovely will do a bit of research on them :)

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