Thinking About Shrimp


Fish Herder
Aug 22, 2003
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Swamp Monger Floridian in Tennessee
I am really liking everyones Cherries.
But then I saw some light blue ones.
Are there any more colours I should be aware of. (Really love bright yellow too!)

When I upgrade Elvis to his bigger home I want to try some nice shrimp.

I'd like to know everyones experiences with various types of shrimp.
Any kind of freshwater shrimp.
I've only ever kept ghosties so they're all new to me!

Also, (if allowed :p ) the best place to buy some online that won't cost me a million dollars for something I may kill.
Shrimp don't like me lately LOL.

Please don't make me turn my 5 gallon puddle tank into a SW nano hehe. Hubby would die.

Funny shrimp stories would be appreciated too, I'm thinking about writing a few articles.
I am really liking everyones Cherries.
But then I saw some light blue ones.
Are there any more colours I should be aware of. (Really love bright yellow too!)

When I upgrade Elvis to his bigger home I want to try some nice shrimp.

I'd like to know everyones experiences with various types of shrimp.
Any kind of freshwater shrimp.
I've only ever kept ghosties so they're all new to me!

Also, (if allowed :p ) the best place to buy some online that won't cost me a million dollars for something I may kill.
Shrimp don't like me lately LOL.

Please don't make me turn my 5 gallon puddle tank into a SW nano hehe. Hubby would die.

Funny shrimp stories would be appreciated too, I'm thinking about writing a few articles.

There are quite a few speices available... and both have good lists of shrimp species.

I have Crystal Red Shrimp which are red and white striped and are probably my favorite, but it is possible to get shrimp in loads of colours now. I have seen Green, yellow, red and purple as well as "boring" colours like black and brown online.

One thing I have read about blue shrimp is it is not a normal colour for any shrimp. Some shrimp may turn blue at times (my Anamo can be blueish sometimes) but this is not perminant and wont breed true.

I can't really recomend any site as i'm not in the US and have no experience ordering online.
Ohhh thank you so much!
Yea, that's the thing about neat colours in animals and plants, hard if not impossible to get them to breed true.
Got several friends trying to breed a true red Brugmansia (flower). Very hard lol.
Ohhh thank you so much!
Yea, that's the thing about neat colours in animals and plants, hard if not impossible to get them to breed true.
Got several friends trying to breed a true red Brugmansia (flower). Very hard lol.

All the other species seem to breed ok its just the blue ones that don't. I'm sure somebody will find one that does sooner or later... new species of shrimp keep turning up!
I have had ghost shpim on and off and one time i had one that hung around my plecostamous all the time. The others seemed to avoid the pleco. So i watched them for a few hours and was suprised to see the ghost climb up on the pleco and ride him around the tank it was hilarious. He would randomly fall off and the pleco would turn around and settle down next to him they were quite the pair.
Ohhh thank you so much!
Yea, that's the thing about neat colours in animals and plants, hard if not impossible to get them to breed true.
Got several friends trying to breed a true red Brugmansia (flower). Very hard lol.

All the other species seem to breed ok its just the blue ones that don't. I'm sure somebody will find one that does sooner or later... new species of shrimp keep turning up!
Not true at all. Blue pearls breed regularly and breed true. is a great resource, forum, and store. Please do not post false information.
Ohhh thank you so much!
Yea, that's the thing about neat colours in animals and plants, hard if not impossible to get them to breed true.
Got several friends trying to breed a true red Brugmansia (flower). Very hard lol.

All the other species seem to breed ok its just the blue ones that don't. I'm sure somebody will find one that does sooner or later... new species of shrimp keep turning up!
Not true at all. Blue pearls breed regularly and breed true. is a great resource, forum, and store. Please do not post false information.

Looks like I was wrong, although this was the first place i've seen them, now i've looked a bit closer they are on shrimpnow as well. Up until today everything i had read about blue shrimp was they didn't breed true and it was likely to be a temporary thing.

How widespread are the Blue Pearls in the US? I've never seen them for sale in the UK, even online.
N/P, were all entitled to being wrong sometimes lol.

I've only ever seen ghosties for sale, so I couldnt help you with where to purchase, ha!
Didn't even know therewere so many pretty freshies, LOL. :blush:

LOL- A surfing shrimp! Duuuuuuude Man! B)

Thanks for the link!
Blue pearls are pretty common already in the U.S. There are also blue tiger but they are very expensive and the intensity of their blue varies.

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