Thinking About Setting Up A Marine Aquarium,


Fish Addict
Sep 17, 2009
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Ontario, Canada (If you want to know my city you'r
All right, so; I *really* want a marine aquarium, so I'm probably gonna ask.... No, wait, let me rephrase that; BEG my Mom to let me get one. ^^; I am getting a 30-gallon sometime later, and whole I *was* originally planning on a tropical tank so that I could have more neon tetras and white cloud mountain minnows, I don't have endless space in my bedroom, and I am really wanting a pair of clownfish. ^^;

However, I was looking at some other fish, and I was wondering, would I be able to keep a pair of any of these? -_-
Percula clownfish
Blue damselfish
Whatever these chromis are. :unsure:

I want to know if it would be a waste of time to set up a marine tank, since these are some of the only fish that appealed to me. -_-
I think the clowns will be ok together if they pair up or if you have 2 aneomes just in case they dont,
The damsels I have 2 are doing great together they are the yellow tailed variety, I may get a couple more..
The chromis from what I understand are a schooling fish and will be fine together
now as a far as mixing all them together I am not real sure, and if you start a marine aquarium take it nice and slow, it might be months to get it right but once it is you`ll be very pleased.
You`ll also need a clean up crew (CUC) they will help ya keep algaes in check and also any uneaten food stuffs that the fish may miss..
I have a few sites that are very informative but I dont think I can post links on here for other sites...
I am sure that someone with alot more experience can answer you a little better than I did but I hope it helps ya a little anyways..
Those would be fine together, however damsels can be quite the nasty fish at times, so I would definitely add that one to the tank last. Chromis are technecally a schooling fish, so a few of them would be ok, but they do get to a pretty hefty size. In a 30g, I would do the 2 clowns, a damsel, and maybe 2 chromis. Considering the full size of the fish, I wouldn't do anymore than that definitely.

As to them being the only fish that appeal to you, i actually find damsels quite boring compared to the numerous other fish out there, check out some wrasses or gobies or blennies. :)
Hey; I waas looking at Wikipedia and here are a few others that interested me:

Black Cap Gramma
Bluestreak Cardinalfish
Ringtailed Cardinalfish
Purple Fire Fish
Hi Fin Red Banded Goby
Neon Goby
Yellow Clown Goby
Powder Blue Tang
Yellow Tang

Now, of course if I get a marine aquarium, I will most *definitely* get the pair of clownfish, so we'll have to take that into account when planning my marine tank's set-up. If possible, I'm going to get something bigger, but 30 gallons is about the *most* that my Mom will ever let me keep in my room, soooooooies....

Oh, and also; are protein skimmers or whatever that is that you need to run the tank properly loud? -_- If it is, then I can throw any plans of any marine tank out the window; as I can't sleep if there's, like, almost *any* noise; and I already have to turn one of my tropical tank's sponge filters off at night because the air pump is too loud, sooooo.... -_-
Black Cap Gramma - Should be ok
Bluestreak Cardinalfish - Should be ok
Ringtailed Cardinalfish - Should be ok
Purple Fire Fish - Will be ok (Hefty price though)
Hi Fin Red Banded Goby - Will be ok
Neon Goby - Will be ok
Yellow Clown Goby - Will be ok
Powder Blue Tang - Gets too Large
Yellow Tang - Gets too large

2 clowns, 2 chromis and 2 gobies is hitting definitely at the top of the fully stocked tank list. As long as the gobies are on the smaller side, you have lots of LR, and a good protein skimmer with good water changing maintaince, I would think you would be ok.
I have never known protein skimmers to be noisy at all, really... Especially compared to air pumps.
.... I dun't like the Blennies, but the gobies (especially the neon one.... :drool: ) is SOOOOOOOO cools! ^^;

Do you think if I screw the damsel, then that I might be able to keep 2 clowns, 2 chromis, and 2 gobies? ^^; 8D

pair of clowns
1 goby
purple firefish

Seffie x

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