Thinking about quitting…


Fish Crazy
Pet of the Month 🎖️
Dec 30, 2022
Reaction score
Midwest, USA

I basically have to quit keeping tanks. Only tank and fish I’m keeping is my 5 gallon (Bleu).
Explanation: I’m a semi-pro horsewoman. This summer and all winter months coming are going to be very very busy. The only tank I'll be able to keep and maintain is Bleu’s, since he’s the only thing that I want to keep right now that needs my attention. And he’s a betta, I can’t let him go that easily.
I think I’m going to scrap my 2.5, sell that tank or my ten gallon (most likely my 2.5) and gravel, those rocks, the AquaClear HOB 20, etc.
Not an easy decision at all. But Bleu has my heart, he’s staying until he dies LOL.
Oh, and, I’m going to Wyoming for a month on internship, and I can’t have my family look after 2 tanks.
I’ll definitely still be active on here, this is one of my favorite pass times tbh.
Sorry for the paragraphs haha.
Living my dream! I used to ride a lot, and teach riding lessons
Horses just don't take to aquarium life, and they poop like plecos or goldfish.

Hobbies come back around as circumstances change, so if I were you, I would store rather than sell. But it's true, fishtanks need a stable environment and don't need a stable environment.
Fish get no respect (in my best Rodney Dangerfield <g>)
The fish 'hobby' is one that can come and go without much fanfare, while a person would be hard pressed to give up a dog or cat that's more like a family member.
Life goes on and we all make choices. :)

I basically have to quit keeping tanks. Only tank and fish I’m keeping is my 5 gallon (Bleu).
Explanation: I’m a semi-pro horsewoman. This summer and all winter months coming are going to be very very busy. The only tank I'll be able to keep and maintain is Bleu’s, since he’s the only thing that I want to keep right now that needs my attention. And he’s a betta, I can’t let him go that easily.
I think I’m going to scrap my 2.5, sell that tank or my ten gallon (most likely my 2.5) and gravel, those rocks, the AquaClear HOB 20, etc.
Not an easy decision at all. But Bleu has my heart, he’s staying until he dies LOL.
Oh, and, I’m going to Wyoming for a month on internship, and I can’t have my family look after 2 tanks.
I’ll definitely still be active on here, this is one of my favorite pass times tbh.
Sorry for the paragraphs haha.
Hello Bleu. Wyoming is a nice state. A little bit windy for me though. I'm just south of Cheyenne, here in northern Colorado. You know, the worst thing about this hobby is small tanks. They kill more fish because there's not enough water in them to make up for a mistake in tank management. Larger tanks are so much easier and really don't take much more work. Have fun in Wyoming and check out Laramie and Cheyenne if you get the chance.

10 Tanks (Now 11)
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It's a difficult hobby to keep up consistently forever. Interest, time, and money fluctuate over the years, so try not to be too heartbroken. Taking tanks apart doesn't mean you won't ever put them back together
Hello Bleu. Wyoming is a nice state. A little bit windy for me though. I'm just south of Cheyenne, here in northern Colorado. You know, the worst thing about this hobby is small tanks. They kill more fish because there's not enough water in them to make up for a mistake in tank management. Larger tanks are so much easier and really don't take much more work. Have fun in Wyoming and check out Laramie and Cheyenne if you get the chance.

10 Tanks (Now 11)
I’ll try to get there! Thanks.
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It's a difficult hobby to keep up consistently forever. Interest, time, and money fluctuate over the years, so try not to be too heartbroken. Taking tanks apart doesn't mean you won't ever put them back together
Yes. And money is also a problem. I didn’t realize how much money can go to this hobby!

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