Thinking About Opening A Betta Store!


Fish Fanatic
May 4, 2006
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I Live in The U.S.A!!!
It would be like 3000 square feet so pretty big and i would sell and have shows and auctions Should I??? Opinioins I would hire like 3 people and like go there once a week to check on the betta's good idea would anyone come and see it Washington!!! I would have such a bid area Please Opinions!! -_-
That would be awesome, if you could pull it off! ;) You could definitely keep all of the desirable Betta stuff that is not available in stores (such as Attison's, IAL, special water treatments, nice Betta tanks, etc) and ship that & Bettas. I would go! I wish I could start an actual Betta shop, but I don't have $100+k and I'm only 17.
I think it's an awesome dream. ^_^ You've got lots of time yet to plan the making of it into a reality. :)
:p Your just jelous yes horses and betta's I am buying a horse and wanted free stuff!! You know and i wanted too buy the betta's or some from breeders on here!! :good:
I have been thinking about doing the same thing. But I was wanting to open a fish store, not just bettas. If I lived where you live, I would be asking for a job if you do do it. :nod: But I'm not going to move to Washington by myself (with my daughter) when I don't know how things will be. You know?

Good luck if you do end up doing it!!! I hope that I can do it some day too. :good:
I think that just doing betta and horse stuff isnt going to keep your business going unless you advertise a lot like on sites like this one and ship stuff all over the U.S. But I think It's a sweet idea because It's hard to get good betta stuff from people who know about the topic. I dont know about horses but its probably the same way. Hope it works out.
That is a nice dream and hopefully it comes true for ya.
Speaking from a business aspect, make sure you have a business plan that details everything right down to the last penny.
just advice

Also consider talking to someone (IBC would be a good start) that deals in strickly bettas and see where the market really is and if it will make it with minimal support, that way you know you will always keep your head above water. You are not a betta remember and staying under water to long and you will drown. If you get great support then you need not worry, but the old adage is plan for the worst hope for the best.

I got my fingers crossed for ya, it would be nice to see something like that around.
I say go for it. Sounds like a good idea, if you can afford it.

Personally, when I get out of college and get a degree, I'm thinking about opening up my own pet/fish store, or maybe being a marine biologist. :)
Personnally I think you could make much more money if you specialize in bettas then have other freshwater fish. Because even though there is a big betta community do you think bettas alone could support a business? I think you could truly make much more money if you have a fish store, and specialize in bettas. Much more chance of succes. well those are my thoughts.
an excellent idea, if you've got the funds for it! it'll take a good 3 years to truely get any profit from it if at all.
maybe you could sell true suitable tankmates for bettas too? shrimps, snails, corys, otos, plecs? and nice live plants for them to sit on? (not half dead crap ones from my LFS bah!)
You stole my idea, lol :p!!! I own a boarding/training barn and keep 100+ fish! I was also going to open a fish/tack store, but in a few years. Good luck!


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