Thinking about getting my EBA a friend?


Fish Aficionado
Tank of the Month 🏆
Mar 8, 2021
Reaction score
Eastern US
Hello! I have an electric blue acara who I believeeeee is a male. I have been reading some different things about how much a pair bonds and how enjoyable it is to watch their interactions, and how much they enjoy having a friend. I am really seriously considering getting more now...

The tank is a 55 gallon tank, it would have two AquaClear 50 filters (right now it has a Marineland 350), it has two heaters keeping the tank at a consistent 78 degrees, sand substrate, some driftwood branches, lots of Amazon Sword and some small bunches of Brazilian Pennywort. The stock RIGHT NOW is

1 3 inch EBA (I would like to have a bonded pair)
12 Bloodfin Tetras (I am hoping to bring the school up to 17, but it is not necessary)
3 Cory Hastatus (I would like there to be at least 12 whenever I can find some (also if anyone knows of an online place that will ship them please please please let me know))
1 BN Pleco

My main concern IS I have one and I am afraid if I get a second that there will be a large size difference. Is this a problem?
I know they like to choose the fish they bond to, so I would likely buy 2 more. Would that be good or should I get more?
Could my tank support a pair, with weekly 30-50% water changes?
My LFS may be willing to buy my current EBA from me and I can put the money or store credit towards 3, 4, or 5 that are all the same size all at the same time, let them pair, then sell them back to my LFS

I would love to hear everyone's opinions and thank you in advance for any advice!

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