Thinking about getting a male betta.


Fish Crazy
Sep 21, 2003
Reaction score
New York
I know bettas don't need much room. But what would make a betta super happy? They sell betta hexes, bowls, and 2 gallon explorer tanks look good too. Right now I have a ten gallon tank with 7 fish (1 angel, 3 tetras, a platy, and 2 cory cats). Can I add a betta to the 10 gallon? Or should I get a 2 gallon explorer and put him in there? Hex and bowls sound much too small, so I am eliminating that
i would get the 2 gal to make him happy......the tetras might eat the fins off your betta. i keep my guys in 1/2 gallons. i know it's not a lot of room but they r happy as far as i can c, but it is more work (2 water changes a week) so something bigger is usually better and that way u could probably squeeze in 2 corys or and africain dwarf frog!
first thing u should take out the angel and move it to a buigger tak if u get one. i think u can put the betta in ifu take the angel out i u do take the angel out and put in the betta keep an eye on it for a while.
Yes the angel is probably a young boy/girl still and soon will out grow the tank. The betta should do fine in the 10g ;) (Also 3 tetras what type? Most tetras should be in a minmum shoal of 8 but this is quite not possible in this tank. Perhaps you should get the bigger tank) ;)
I keep my betta in a 10 gallon with a school of black neon tetras and a pair of cherry barbs. It works out well and I feel bettas like that extra bit of swimming space. Black neon tetras are very gentle tetras and not a problem, but do get a good sized school of them. Cherry barbs are great with bettas - very unaggressive fish (and they also eat a bit of algae).
They are 3 x-ray tetras, and they seem pretty happy (And fat) I originally had 6, but 3 got sucked up by the filter. I have no other place to put the angel :sad:

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