Thinking About Getting A Betta


Fish Fanatic
Jun 2, 2005
Reaction score
Leeds, West Yorkshire, UK
I currently have an 8 gallon tank which i am thinking about putting a betta in. I was wondering whether a male betta would be OK with zebra danios. If not can anybody suggest any other fish?
Absolutly not!
danios for a start need far more than 8 gallons and in that
small a space they will certainly kill anything else you add.
How many danios do you have in a 8 gallon tank? If I were you I would take what The Wolf tell you to do about danios and bettas to heart. He knows what he is talking about when it comes to danios...
How many danios do you have in a 8 gallon tank? If I were you I would take what The Wolf tell you to do about danios and bettas to heart. He knows what he is talking about when it comes to danios...

I dont have any danios, i was just considering them but wont put any in that tank now. It currently only has 2 neon tetras in it as they have fungus which I am treating. Are danios OK with angelfish because I also have a 35(i think) gallon tank? Do you have any suggestions for what would go with a betta? Before i put the betta in the tank (if i decide on getting one) i will move the neon tetras as i know they will nip bettas fins.

thanks in advance for the advice and help

How many danios do you have in a 8 gallon tank? If I were you I would take what The Wolf tell you to do about danios and bettas to heart. He knows what he is talking about when it comes to danios...

I dont have any danios, i was just considering them but wont put any in that tank now. It currently only has 2 neon tetras in it as they have fungus which I am treating. Are danios OK with angelfish because I also have a 35(i think) gallon tank? Do you have any suggestions for what would go with a betta? Before i put the betta in the tank (if i decide on getting one) i will move the neon tetras as i know they will nip bettas fins.

thanks in advance for the advice and help

Why not get a nice five gallon tank with a betta, and a drawf frog?
I hear they go good togetther.
I for one don't like ADF with betta. They sometimes nip, are softbobied and are easily killed. They are impossible to treat fo r illness and you can't add most meds or salt or anything with them in a tank. They're aren't really any good tankmates for a betta in that size aquarium, posssibly a white cloud minnow or platy.
Why not get a couple of cories? They are peaceful and generally keep to themselves, not to mention they aren't colorful in to attract the attention of the betta.

But you need to treat the neons or remove them and nuke the tank before adding anything else.
Why not get a couple of cories? They are peaceful and generally keep to themselves, not to mention they aren't colorful in to attract the attention of the betta.

But you need to treat the neons or remove them and nuke the tank before adding anything else.

I think i will just get some cories to go with the betta. I hear they are good together.
One of the tetras got stuck behind the filter and died :( so i just have one now.

How do I 'nuke' the tank?
They don't have to have sand subtrate just make sure it isn't rough gravel and they are fine.

And 2-3 will do fine together..I have 2 and they don't even stay together much..they are too busy looking for scraps, and they are far from unhappy...they are probably the most active in my tank...even more then the neons or glowo-lights.

To nuke a tank:
i've not heard of chlorox before but could i use really diluted normal bleach or not?
i have some ammonia left from fishless cycling, is that useful?
Clorox is bleach.

That is a brand name of's kinda like the name/word "bandaid" it's a brand name but it's so well used/known that it kinda "stuck" in people's minds, and they tend to just call the product that now lol.

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