Thinking About Adding A Snail To My Tank


Fish Addict
Sep 24, 2008
Reaction score
Vancouver WA (US)
Ok so I am thinking about adding a snail to my tank as 1: a decoration and 2:keep the side of my tank clear.

I am currently using a Aqua Tech Hex 5 tank. Currently have a Molly fish and an Anubis plant inside. I have Gravel bottom and the tank isnt fully cycled. I am currently working on my fish in cycle and and I'm in the second half of it. I am doing daily water changed to keep everything low but would a snail hurt/help/die in such an environment? Once the cycle is finished and a month or 2 have passed I also plan to introduce and African Dwarf frog and a ghost shrimp or 2.

So good idea or bad? If yes I plan to do in the next day or 2.

Oh and what type of snail would be a good idea.
Don't add one during the cycle - like most invertebrates, a lot of snails are more ammonia sensitive than most fish.

Apple snails (also sold as mystery snails) are good, and if you only have one, it won't be able to breed, but they can get fairly large, and you've already got a good sized fish in the tank. If you can find or order nerite snails, they're a lot smaller and also don't breed successfully in fresh water. Trumpet snails will spend most of their time buried. Ramshorn snails come in a red variety, and they're quite pretty (some of mine are bright cherry red).

The frog will eat the ghost shrimp - I'd skip the frog and go for 4 or 5 shrimp, along with an apple snail or a couple nerites they'll make an impeccable cleanup crew.
An african dwarf frog won't eat the shrimp but make sure the frog you get is actually an ADF, they are often confused with african clawed frogs which would eat the shrimp, and everything else.

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