Thinking About A Bloodparrot


New Member
Aug 24, 2007
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Buffalo, NY
I've been thinking about a blood parrot for my new 33 flat hex tank that is 3 ft long. I'm still in the planning stages. The tank is not set up yet. According to the bloodparrot forum one would be fine in this tank. What companions have done well with yours and what are your favorite dither fish for them. I realize that personality is different from fish to fish. I am hoping to find a more passive one as my lfs has a nice selection of non-dyed bps. I don't really care for tiger barbs. I've heard of using livebearers with the added benefit that unwanted fry is sometimes a snack. Any thoughts?
Given the various possible species the blood parrot was created from are all non-piscivores, it's hard to imagine that this is really helpful. If you go by their origin, the ideal diet would be primarily organic detritus and algae, plus some small invertebrates particularly snails and insect larvae. Amphilophus spp. cichlids for example primarily feed on benthic invertebrates and detritus. Heros spp. cichlids are largely herbivores. Snails might not be an option for these hybrids because they have deformed jaws that do not work properly, but their pharyngeal mill and stomach is presumably not far removed from the ancestral condition.

I always find it funny that cichlid keepers fuss about giving their pets "live foods" yet the vast majority of cichlids are either primarily herbivores or detritivores in the wild! So if you're worried about giving them the best diet, focus on fresh plant material, algae, and decaying organic detritus (i.e., mud!).

Cheers, Neale

I've heard of using livebearers with the added benefit that unwanted fry is sometimes a snack. Any thoughts?
if u want a blood parrot go for it!
no one can stop u its your money!!!
i had blood parrots in 10gallons befor!!!
they bred like 3 times!!!
the results is no frys = trade to lfs =]
I have a pair of 2+ yo blood parrots in 3 foot tank. They havent grown at all since ive got them (except for fin extensions) so I dont think they get as large as thier species parents. I feed mine on colour enhancing flakes (they make a mess with these because of the permanently opened gills) and pelets as well as the occaisonal treat of mosquito larvae and they have coloured up well. My parrots have bullied/chewed all the dither fish I have tried to keep with them apart from my nocturnal bristlenose so i'd say youd be better off keeping one alone as a pet fish. They seem well suited to this because of thier strong personalities.
I'd get a small one and keep it as the only fish in that 33 gallon tank. 10 gallons is waaaaaaaay too small. You may have to upgrade depending on how big it eventually grows, there seems to be a lot of size variation in this type.
Thanks for your advice everyone. My lfs is really great, and the guy there said to me "If you are questioning it in your mind, than you probably know that it's wrong." In this case I think he's right and I'll be waiting on the blood parrot until I have a bigger tank. I do appreciate your time in answering me though. :)
no one blood parrot is not fine in a 33g tank..

if you dont know what youre talking about, hush up..

its ridiculous how many people have no clue what theyre talking about, yet feel the need to post anyways..

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