thinkin of startin sw


New Member
Feb 21, 2004
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i have a spare 36"x12"x16" lying around n i was thinking of starting up a sw tank. i have a fw tank already (had it bout 2 yrs and its doin great :D ) i just want a fish only tank and i was wondering if this tank is big enough 2 keep just 1 lion fish (i think they r awesome :D ) is there a big difference between fw and sw?? and any advice about filtration etc would be great!

SW has a different cycle bacteria so you need to start a cycle from scratch you can't just seed (although live rock and live sand have cycle bacteria on/in them) The pretty lionfish you see so often grows to about 18 inches but you can get other lionfish such as the fuzzy dwarf or the fumanchu.

SW is more difficult, you really do need to pay close attention to evaporation, Specific gravity and ph.
Salt water is not more difficult but research is needed. And a more strict water management should be followed. POssibly more disciplined but difficult? not IMO
Its not that difficult, but it does take money. You have a tank, but thats the small expence. What do you have for lights, filtration, dont forget your going to want live sand and live rock, plus the expence of salt and RO water. (Tap wont work)
Lions will also eat a fair amount of food and put alot of waiste into the water. Your going to need to do water changes fairly often or he is going to get ill and die on you. It can be a fair big commitment of time and money and not just a matter of having an extra tank lying around. Dont get me wrong, I would love to see you do it, just make sure your going to beable to keep it up.
RamJet is right, it is a big commitment. When I got into the hobby I thought that a FO system would be much easier that a reef. Was I wrong. My FOWLR system is a pain. I do a 35 gallon a week water change just to keep my nitrates at around 10-15ppm. My reef, its self contained. I change 10 gallons a month and add supplements. The main thing to consider is that it is an expensive hobby. If you set your tank up wrong to begin with, you'll have much difficulty setting it up again properly. Listen to the people on this forum. Narvarre, ste2k3 and Great Lakes all know what they are talking about. This is a great hobby. SW is awsome. If you have patience, money time and dedication, you too will love SW. Good luck!, Jim

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