Thinkin' About It.


Sorry, can't help spammin, it's the OCD! Hey there
Feb 7, 2007
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Behind a little bubbling cave.
Here is an idea: 2 khuli loach, 2 gouramis, 2 extra white clouds(they are 10 gal. safe.), 2 platys, and a glass catfish. Safe? I already have 4 zebra danios and 2 white clouds with an albino cory cat.
and i believe white clouds are cold water fish. Kuhlis do better in bigger groups, 3-5.
Glass catfish can reach 15cm so a bit big for your tank plus they do like groups, my other half loves them so we have recently purchased a 300L so they will have plenty of room for a group of 6 (upgrading from our 60L). I have white clouds in my cold water and tropical tanks and they all fair well.
As already stated on oneof your other threads otos like to be in groups and are not suitable for your tank
You need 3 more cory cats. Don't think about getting anything else before you sort out the stocking, and after that, you're full to the limit. Sorry.
Yes, but that doesn't mean he's happy not in a shoal. IMO you should take it back to the pet store if you aren't willing to get it a full shoal.
Before anything else. Get a few more friends from the Albino cory. You will see a big difference in the way he acts. Just because he doesn't seem to like the other cory means that he wants to be alone. In a small tank like yours, if the corys can see each other at all times they don't tend to be with each other much. Unless they are playing or spawning. Stop asking what fish you should get because everyone is already telling you the 100% correct answer to your question. ADD 3 Albino Corys to your tank.

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