Think Tank is Cycled!?


Fish Crazy
May 21, 2004
Reaction score
New Jersey
I know that you all are sick of my posts on fishless cycling. You'll be glad to know that I think my tank is just about cycled so these posts will soon go away! :p

I started the cycle on May 27th so it has been a long haul.

Here is the latest:

I was away for 2 days and so I didn't test or add amonia. Prior to going away my readings were steadily amonia 0 ppm, nitrites .5ppm and nitrates 10-20ppm.

On Wednesday I added amonia (a little extra than my usual maintenance dose), when I tested on Thursday, the readings were amonia, 0 ppm, nitrites 0 ppm, nitrates, 10-20 ppm. I then added enough amonia to get a reading of about 4-5 ppm. About 9 hours later the reading was amonia 0 ppm, nitrites 2 ppm, nitrates 10-20 ppm. Within 24 hours the reading was amonia 0 ppm, nitrites 0 ppm, nitrates 10-20 ppm.

So within 24 hours the conversion of nitrites to nitrates is taking place. How soon should the conversion take place before the tank is completely cycled? Then how long before I can get fish? If the nitrates are 10-20 ppm should I still do an 80% water change or a smaller one? How long after the last dose of amonia should I wait to get the fish?

I appreciate all of your expert advice and assistance during this process. :)
You are done my friend. Now you can get some fish :hyper: :hyper: But wont you miss watching the bacteria grow :shifty: :lol: Good luck and have fun with the fish selection.

A fifty percent change should be lots with a nitrate reading as low as that. :)

Yes, I'll admit, I will miss watching the bacteria grow, Not! :p

I have already pretty much selected my fish so I am really excited about going to actually get them! Plus the serpae in my small tank will be happy to be rehoused into a much larger home, they will feel like they have moved from a studio apartment to a 5 bedroom home! Too bad Oscar the pleco didn't make it one more week. :sad:

"I'm off, I'm off, I'm off to buy some fish... :whistle: :whistle: :whistle: ....."

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