Think my guppies are ill.....


Fish Fanatic
Feb 20, 2005
Reaction score
London, UK
Hi, I've had my tank for a while now and after inital problems (it was inhereted from someone else who didnt look after it) it seemed to settle down. I clean it every 2 weeks and clean the filter (in water from the fish tank) at the same time.

However, 2 of my guppies seem to have really swollen stomachs. Its almost like they look pregnant (but they are males). They seem fine in themselves, usualy behaviour.... just wondering if anyone can help me with what this is.

My clown fiish (1 of) is also not well (see other post) so I am wondering if I am doing something wrong, of if the 2 algae eaaters I added 2 weeks ago might have been carrying something...

Thanks in advance.

That sounds like constipation to me. My guppies got it recently too. If they're still eating, just feed them some peas. Regular english peas. I use the frozen ones. Just pop a couple in the microwave in some dechlorinated water for a few seconds. Pop them out of the shell, chop them up and serve. Make sure they're room temp first, though. Then, don't feed anything else for a couple of days. That should take care of it. It's also a good idea to feed peas every now and again to prevent constipation.
ok, thats great. I didnt know that, so i'll give it a try and pop down to the market tomorrow.

thx. xx
No problem. Also, watch them and see if you can spot any poo. If they are still pooing, then it might be something else. If they aren't, look for green poo when you feed the peas. That'll let you know it worked. :)

Also, what kind of food do you give them? If it's high in protein, or a lot of freeze dried, that can give them constipation.
yeah, freeze dried stuff and once a week the whole tank get those live tiny red thingies... they LOVE them!

Thx again for all the help!

Yeah...that diet will do it. It's a great diet for them, but I would definitely recommend feeding peas once a week or once every two weeks to prevent constipation. Don't take it lightly either. Constipation has been known to kill, although rarely. I think you'll be just fine. Glad I could help. :)

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