Think My Eel Laid An Egg!


New Member
May 19, 2007
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my tank is 33 US gallons

I've got three live plants, but I don't know their names. One of them is 5 years old and the other two are recent additons.

2x neons (both named Frank)
2x african dwarf frogs (Cleo and Ivan)
1x khuli loach (Khuli)
1x pleco (he's recent and hasn't been named yet)
2x eels, type unknown, but the largest is only 8 inches long and I've had her 7ish years (Clovis and Bebe)

So, when I moved my fish into a larger tank the eels began to do what I believe was fornicate. Then I didn't see them much for a while and one day I found what I think was a baby eel. It was about 3 mm long and it was striped. It likely became food.

I recently added 2 new plants, as well as a pleco to clean up an alge problem. I also added a patch of sand in one corner. They started going at it again today and I was watching, (it's really cool to see them flailing about all over the tank like that) and I noticed that Clovis( who is an inch longer, a bit fatter, and behaving submisivly, while Bebe took a more agressive role) had what sort of looked like a penis :blush: I don't think it really was a penis, but that's what it looked like. I kept watching and a tiny little egg came out of it, floated up into the current then landed in the gravel right up against the glass!! I got it out using my aqua leash and put it into a well rised baby food jar with about 1/2 dozen gravel and aquarium water.

I've got the jar with the lid on sunk in my tank so that the temp will keep, but I don't know what to do now. I was thinking that I would get one of those little seperator room thingys that attach inside the main tank, and lining it with a hankercheif so that it couldn't get through the slots. Or my sister has an old betta tank that I could set up. What do you guys think?

If it does hatch what can I feed it? Will it nibble away at a blood worm? Baby brine shrimp? tiny misquito larva? Do they start out with a yolk sac?

I looked around on the net after I saw the little stripped baby (about a month ago) and it said that zig zag and tire track eels (what they were sold to me as, but they are so small that I doubt it) don't reproduce in captivity and so there was no info on the subject. Please help.

i can't give you any other advice, having no experience of my own with breeding any fish, but I don't think your egg will hatch in a shut up baby food jar because they need aeration.

If you want to breed your eels - which might not be the best idea if you don't know what they are and you've no where to put babies who will apparently be eaten - you're best bet would to be to go about it in a tank seperate from the community.
Usually when an animal like ell's spawn the produns 100's of eggs so 1 is unusual firstly.

Firstly can you get a pic of the adult's? if the then plz post as to ID.
And one of the egg or fry you get. One trick is to use macro mode and/or u can use a magnifying glass infrount of the camera to get extra zoom in.

First food is generally a yolk sac that can last between 2-15 days depending on the size of the yolk sac.
Then rotifers (found naturally in green water) then be brine shrimp till there larger

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