Think My Crowntail Has Been Picked On


Fish Fanatic
Aug 14, 2005
Reaction score
Royston, Herts. UK.
Not good...

we bought him last week and after reading that he'd basically be on hunger strike for a week or so, we've kept our eye on him just in case.

He's been keeping himself to himself and not going for anything in the tank... the occasional encounter with a moonlight gorrami, but nothing I'd consider a problem.

This evening though, he came to the front of the tank (something he's never done before) and I swear he looked at us for help :-( :-(

His fins look very tattered and torn, they were fine yesterday, and when he got close to the intake of the filter it looked like he didnt have the energy to stop himself from being sucked onto it.

We've scooped him out and put him into a small bucket with some about 3 or 4 small bloodworms (not touched) and about the same of daphnia. Put a few small bits of plant in there to keep him happy and he seems to be swimming ok. Not gasping for air, and finding shelter under plants.

I'm going to put the bucket in the airing cupboard to keep things warm and dark so he won't be stressed.

I've kept the filter and pump running in my old 70ltr tank for about a couple of months now with no fish, will it be safe for fish life as a quarantine tank, or should I put some Cycle Bacteria in ther to help out? I hope to move him into here as soon as possible.

Thanks for the help everyone, very much appreciated. (All tank mates are in my signature)
:( :( :(
He might have had something when you puchased him and that is all too common. I think you should isolate him ASAP in a warm tank of conditioned water and start him on some meds. You might want to post about this on the "emergency"section of this forum. Maybe some Maracyn and Maracyn2.....Otherwise watch how you handle him and make sure you wash your hands thoroughly afterward and between working with tanks.
Good luck and keep us posted!
yup, i was gonna say the same. if you say it looks like he's been nipped, that's probably what happened. especially if they were fine yesterday. i'll bet the gouramis found him. anabantoids can be pretty ruthless with one another. also, bettas will do fine in an uncycled tank as long as the water gets changed periodically, which should be happening in a hospital tank anyway.
Well... bad news. Too late. :byebye:

My girlfriend look at look at him this afternoon and poor fella is no longer with us. I'm gonna take a look in a minute.

I'm off back to the LFS to have words, and maybe buy another small tank for quarantine/hospital tank. Already have plans for the other tank (nano marine), so want something else.

I'm sorry for your loss. :-( I lost a betta to nasty tankmates too. I know how bad it feels. I'm really sorry. :rip:

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