Think I'm Gonna Lose Her...


Mar 8, 2006
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I come home from work today and find Thistle, my Purple female, has this big chunk of missing Scales and Skin and Muscle from her back in between her head and her top back fin. >.< I've moved her to a hospital tank and added salt and MelafixPoor baby her fins are all clamped tight and its obvious she's in pain... I don't think her spine's been damaged, since she can still swim, but the fact that I can see a thin outline of it under like, maybe two layers of flesh :no: I don't know if she's going to make it, and I don't know what caused it... It wasn't absessed or anything before, so I'm thinking maybe she scraped her back on something, then the other fish picked at it all day... I don't know. *Wails*
I think you are going to lose it or it has been fighting with something and got hurt a peeled off skin and muscle. B)
If you can get some dry banana leaves just add it to your water if not IAL will do. Don't feed her a lot it might pollute the water.

Another thing is if you can add some garden soil or clay is better just put some of it in your hospital tank and it will help her recover fast.

I hope this helps. It's just a minor injury and you're not loosing your fish.
Thanks Cracker. She's still alive and swimming, so hopefully she'll make a full recovery. Unfortunately, Banana Leaf and IAL Would have to be purchased off the internet, as there is nothing local. I did buy some Stress Coat and some PrimaFix to go along with the Metafix, and more Salt since I was running out and a Green Mombo Grass plant? Think thats what its called. Anyways, I'll try to get pics and I'll keep ya'll updated.
Is that mondo grass you bought? If so, it is a non aquatic plant that is commonly sold for aquariums. It will slowly die :( . Make sure when you see start to wilt you take it out before it pollutes the water too badly. It might last a couple of weeks.

EDIT: Next time for a tank without extra lighting for plants, buy java fern. Its the hardiest thing you can get. Don't bury the rhizome (root looking thing) in the gravel, or it will rot, just tie it to a rock or driftwood and it'll latch on and do great. They are survivors. Hornwort, which is a floating plant, is also wonderful for even just a bowl. Its what I have in with all my bettas.
Well, the plant was on sale for a Dollar, and the way its in right now the top is sticking out of the water as the hospital bowl is rather shallow, so I was sort of hoping it might be a plant that could live in -partial water- :) And I refuse to buy Java fern from Petsmart because the first and last time I did, It not only died on me, it also brought three baby snails into my tank... I think the Pleco ate them or the Betta's, since I haven't seen them since.O.O Hopefully I can Grab the Digital camera when I get home and get pics up. Hopefully she'll still be alive. She made it through the night okay, so I'm hoping thats a good sign... and I'm hoping the Primafix I got will help with any secondary infections she might get from being so stressed out.
Mer, Forgot the computer with the digital camera system on it crashed, so I'll be taking regular pictures and ya'll will have to wait for the film/CD to be done at walmart. She was still alive and swimming better when I got home, looked like some muscle was starting to grow back too.
listen to carcker,he knows what hes talking about.if you havent got the leaves this time get them for next time.

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