Think I may lose her...


Addicted and in Therapy
Jul 13, 2003
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Wichita, KS
My new little lady isn't doing so hot. Checked on her a little while ago and she was standing on her head. Did a water change, but I don't know what else to do. She's not looking so good... breathing harder than she has been, and has a long clearish string of poo. She hasn't eaten since I got her on Weds. I'm very worried, I think I may lose my baby. :( Anyone have an suggestions on how to help her, if at all?! Maybe she was just too sick when I got her.. I dunno. *sigh*
Aww Julie.. I'm sorry hun. :flowers: I have a bad feeling it may be too late for her, unless you've got some meds you can use tonight. The clear stringy feces makes me think she's got some sort of internal infection or parasite. Have you got anything other than Melafix you can use on her? I'd suggest tetracycline, but anything antibiotic or antiparasitic would be worth a shot. If you don't have any meds, how about some aquarium salt? That would be a good idea, too. I'd use between 3/4 of a tsp and 1 tsp per gallon. I don't know how it does with internal problems, but I highly recommend colloidal silver. :nod: wuvmybetta is always going on and on (and on) about it :lol: :lol: and I decided to give it a try for one of my boys who had some seriously messed up fins. He's only had two doses (eyedropperfuls), and his fins are about 80% better. If you could get the betta to DRINK some of the colloidal silver it would help with internal problems, but I'm not sure how one would go about that. :rolleyes: Really though.. good luck with her. Is she warm? If she doesn't have a heater, try to put her near a light bulb or heat source so she's at a nice cozy temperature.
AquaNut said:
If you could get the betta to DRINK some of the colloidal silver it would help with internal problems, but I'm not sure how one would go about that. :rolleyes:
easily :nod: ,if they think it's food you'd be surprised how fast they gulp it down ,just hold the dropper above the water and as they jump up to snag...squeeze :lol: (they always give me such a funny look when that happens)

But it doesn't sound like your girl would have interest in such things julie, I hope she gets better and you really might want to try the silver :/
LOL!!!! @ wuv having a plan worked out for tricking her bettas into drinking the colloidal silver :rolleyes: That is just too cute!!
AquaNut said:
LOL!!!! @ wuv having a plan worked out for tricking her bettas into drinking the colloidal silver :rolleyes: That is just too cute!!
What is this stuff? :unsure: I've never heard of it before. Sounds like some kind of miracle drug! :D
Check this thread, Inchworm. You buy it at the health store (or some sort of all natural market etc). It's sold as a mineral supplement, and I believe it's basically silver, suspended in distilled water. Jenica's aunt takes it, and I'd always been highly suspicious of its worth, but in a desperate attempt to save an undiagnosed fin ailment in one of my bettas, I dropped $25 on a bottle and gave it a try. It IS a miracle cure. He's not 100% yet, but after 3 days of treatment, he's at least 80% back to his beautiful self. :nod:
Sounds amazing, AquaNut! :) Really expensive, though. Phew! :hyper:
It really is rather amazing!! I'd also bet my bottom dollar that you can get it a whole lot cheaper in NY than I can in my small town on an island. lol
It's not as expensive as it seems Inchworm, I'm sure people have tried med after med at 8-10 bucks a pop with no results, with silver ya just need a small amount and the results are amazing and the bottle lasts for quite a long time. Just as Aqua said...3 days and 80% progress is pretty impressive. I always put a small trace amount in the dechlorinated water that I'm using to replace water during tank changes just as a preventive. It seems to work wonders,my bettas are huge,thick and healthy :) (I give it to the other fishies too ;) )
wuvmybetta said:
AquaNut said:
If you could get the betta to DRINK some of the colloidal silver it would help with internal problems, but I'm not sure how one would go about that. :rolleyes:
easily :nod: ,if they think it's food you'd be surprised how fast they gulp it down ,just hold the dropper above the water and as they jump up to snag...squeeze :lol: (they always give me such a funny look when that happens)

But it doesn't sound like your girl would have interest in such things julie, I hope she gets better and you really might want to try the silver :/
Wuv, where can I get some Collodial Silver?? I mean, I live in Flagstaff, a small town in Northern Arizona. We don't have much up here! :(
Any health food store, Fish Heads. I live in Backwardsville, Canada and we have it here. :lol:
wuvmybetta said:
It's not as expensive as it seems Inchworm, I'm sure people have tried med after med at 8-10 bucks a pop with no results, with silver ya just need a small amount and the results are amazing and the bottle lasts for quite a long time. Just as Aqua said...3 days and 80% progress is pretty impressive. I always put a small trace amount in the dechlorinated water that I'm using to replace water during tank changes just as a preventive. It seems to work wonders,my bettas are huge,thick and healthy :) (I give it to the other fishies too ;) )
The results ARE pretty impressive. :nod: I guess spending that much makes sense considering those results.

Do you think there could be a problem, over time, with that metal accumulating in their tissues? :look:
yeah FishHeads,any good health food store should have it.

Good Question Inchworm, I wondered the same thing but I've read that the bodys ability to process such tiny atoms of silver makes silver build-up impossible so I would imagine it works the same for fish,heres a very interesting article ;)

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