Think I Have Too Many Fish


New Member
Jan 2, 2012
Reaction score
Wilmington, NC
I think I have too many fish. A 55 gallon tank. Currently have 5 zebra danios, 1 pleco, 2 rainbow sharks, 2 chinese algae eaters, 5 tiger barbs, 3 cherry barbs, 3 angel fish, 8 sword tails, 4 black neons and 15 neons. 48 total. All still small.I know that the neons wont get big but dont like being that crowded. Have a 29 gallon tank that been cycling for a week now for cichlids, gonna wait 4 weeks then let my family owned fish store check the water. High ph level with crushed shells and whole shells for that salty but freshwater thing. Think I have to get another 55 gallon tank and disperse my current population. Any thoughts?
Well if the 55 is always at 0ppm ammonia then it is chemically and biologically not overstocked, but if it really appears to you that you are being cruel to your fish then you should go ahead and get them more space.
I don't think numbers are the issue here, rather tank size and stocking choices.
After the addition of the neons and black neons ammonia tested out at .25 which was expected. Waited til it read 0 to add them. Been like 3 days now and its back down to 0 again. I feed this morning, just tested the water with the liquid API master kit. Results are ph-7.6 ammonia-.50, nitrIte- 0, nitrAte-5.0.
gonna check the ammonia again to make sure it was accurate. Feeding time was this afternoon too not morning. Sorry fed wrong information, about 3 to 4 hours ago.

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