Think fish are not intelligent? Think again

  • Thread starter Deleted member 149562
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Deleted member 149562

As most here know, I have two identical aquariums in the either side of the bedhead.

Last night, around 1130pm, I was settling down to sleep when the residents in the left aquarium started getting seriously active. Initially thought nothing of it since the Cories are midnight maniacs anyway.

They were getting very persistent, up by the glass nearest to me. Then I heard something.....



Thought it was the rose bush outside banging the window in the wind. No...wasn't that.


Checked the right side aquarium, all quiet.

Checked the left one and the Cories were going absolutely nuts against the glass so I got the torch and shone it into the aquarium.

There near to the back of the aquarium was an ornament that wasn't there earlier when the lights went out. Sticking out of the ornament was my BN's tail and she had wiggled the ornament just over an inch and was tapping the glass with it.

She was stuck.

She had spent about 5 minutes tapping the glass with the ornament and the Cories were doing everything they could to attract my attention.

Suffice it to say, I went into the kitchen to collect the gear, put the blue lights on before the white so as to not spook her too much. Managed to lift the ornament halfway up the aquarium (it is 2ft deep) and gently wiggled her out backwards, she didn't put up a fight with me or try to stick her fin spines into the ornament, she totally relaxed and allowed me to get her out of her predicament. I put some aquarium water into my jug and placed her into that whilst removing the offending ornament plus two others that might be a problem for her. Checked her over, checked her mouth, nose, fins, visible injuries and she was moving fine in the jug, so slowly reintroduced her back into the aquarium.

She swam off to the back, lodged herself halfway up and was fussed at by the Cories for a few moments.

Had the Cories not gone into activity overdrive and had she not managed to shift the ornament closer to the glass and kept banging the glass, I would never have known that she was in trouble...she would almost certainly have drowned whilst stuck.

So think on about your fish, they are highly intelligent creatures and they will work together if one is in trouble.

I just put the lights on to give everyone their feed and she was up on the aquarium glass helping herself to fresh Cory eggs as usual and not showing any signs of distress....thankfully :)
Wow, interesting and intelligent fish...
Seems like the Corydoras are good & helpful neighbours...
As most here know, I have two identical aquariums in the either side of the bedhead.

Last night, around 1130pm, I was settling down to sleep when the residents in the left aquarium started getting seriously active. Initially thought nothing of it since the Cories are midnight maniacs anyway.

They were getting very persistent, up by the glass nearest to me. Then I heard something.....



Thought it was the rose bush outside banging the window in the wind. No...wasn't that.


Checked the right side aquarium, all quiet.

Checked the left one and the Cories were going absolutely nuts against the glass so I got the torch and shone it into the aquarium.

There near to the back of the aquarium was an ornament that wasn't there earlier when the lights went out. Sticking out of the ornament was my BN's tail and she had wiggled the ornament just over an inch and was tapping the glass with it.

She was stuck.

She had spent about 5 minutes tapping the glass with the ornament and the Cories were doing everything they could to attract my attention.

Suffice it to say, I went into the kitchen to collect the gear, put the blue lights on before the white so as to not spook her too much. Managed to lift the ornament halfway up the aquarium (it is 2ft deep) and gently wiggled her out backwards, she didn't put up a fight with me or try to stick her fin spines into the ornament, she totally relaxed and allowed me to get her out of her predicament. I put some aquarium water into my jug and placed her into that whilst removing the offending ornament plus two others that might be a problem for her. Checked her over, checked her mouth, nose, fins, visible injuries and she was moving fine in the jug, so slowly reintroduced her back into the aquarium.

She swam off to the back, lodged herself halfway up and was fussed at by the Cories for a few moments.

Had the Cories not gone into activity overdrive and had she not managed to shift the ornament closer to the glass and kept banging the glass, I would never have known that she was in trouble...she would almost certainly have drowned whilst stuck.

So think on about your fish, they are highly intelligent creatures and they will work together if one is in trouble.

I just put the lights on to give everyone their feed and she was up on the aquarium glass helping herself to fresh Cory eggs as usual and not showing any signs of distress....thankfully :)
Nice teamwork there :)
If one of my fish is in trouble the others try to eat it :dunno:
'Fish' is such a broad, broad term. Some species are well up on the intellect* scale, whereas others... ;)
The same can be said for 'birds' or 'mammals'.

Even within one specific species, there will usually be a distribution of some being way more clever than others, with a few really dim ones, a few really clever ones and the bulk somewhere in the middle. (Think Bell Curve distribution, to get all technical ;) )

*Then there's the definition of intellect/intelligence, which varies both scientifically and philosophically. Is it an ability to solve new problems? To demonstrate learning and application of said learning? An ability to create tools, etc.? An ability to alter the environment, including other organisms, to suit?

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