Things On My Mts?


Fish Addict
May 23, 2006
Reaction score
New York, NY
I just took a very close look at my snails, and I noticed most (or all?) of my MTS had these sticking out of their shells..


Anyone know what those are? I've never actually took a close look at my MTS before, not sure if it's normal or not.
I'm sure mine have them too. They just look like spikes (part of the shell structure). Maybe someone who knows more about their anatomy can enlighten us :)
It's definitely not part of the shell. When I poke it, it withdraws back into the shell along with the snail.
Really??? I have no idea.... never really watch them that closely tbh :lol: Hope they are not worms. That'll freak me out :shout:
I really don't know what they are..

I've been searching the net for MTS pictures, and only ended up with a few that were large enough and at the right angle to show the "spikes". Perhaps it's normal? I wonder what they are though. At first I thought they were baby snails crawling out, then perhaps some sort of worm or leech, then I thought it might be poop.

I doubt they're worms though, the formation would be too perfect for it to be worms.
I'm sure I've seen mine with those spike things. Will have to take a closer look next time :lol:
From reading, I'd guess it's the brood pouch, which is located in the "neck".
But that's a guess, most description of the brood pouch talk about its cell structure lol.

I see this thing all the time on my MTS, and I've seen something similar once on a regular Physa sp. snail too, would be interesting to find out what it is!
If it's so widespread, it's likely not a problem, and if it is indeed another organism it most likely is in a commensalist or mutualistic relationship with the snail.

I wouldn't worry about it. I would like to know what it is, however. :shifty:
I'm not really worried, I'm just very curious.

I've noticed that some of my MTS-related snails (Melanoides and Tarebia) have it as well.

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