Things have calmed down a bit


Fish Fanatic
Sep 11, 2005
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Hopefully you've been keeping up with my "problems" because I really don't have the heart to repeat everything.

I've been slowly raising the temperature while treating for the Ich. I've kept up the daily 20% water change while treating the ich. I lost 4 more fish though.

I have 1 catfish, 2 blue paradise gourmei's (i know I know sp), 2 Pleco's, 1 Albino Bala shark, and 1 Albino tiger barb left.

So here are my questions now...

at what temperature should my tank normally be at...the guy at petsmart said 80F, but I don't really trust him anymore...

I now know tiger barbs should be schooled, so will my lonely albino be ok until my tank is cycled....he's hiding under an ornament atm.

the same for my albino bala shark...

is there anything else I should do for these fish?

Thanks again for all your help....I really made a mess of things....
my tiger is alone at them moment cause i had three two died though im not sure how though they just disapered strage i no but anyways your tiger should be good tell you can get some more im just waiting for my lfs to restock so i can get another school going...i think you should take the bala back but that is completly up to you
I'm going to tomorrow...I made a big scene at Petsmart was just too much for me when I had to go and return 4 DEAD TIGER BARBS because they wouldn't take them back when they were alive. I yelled at them for giving me wrong information, and for not letting me return the fish after they gave me the wrong information. I'm returning the bala because I know my tank is too small for it. Should I return any of the others. Or should I just return them all until my tank is cycled. Now that I'm treating the Ich (and probably the fact that I added the airstones today also) they all look 100x's better. My catfish is even swimming around at night again. :D Wish me luck please....and let me know what you think I should do. Thanks agian
Take the plecos in with the bala. Give 'em hell, Kiara. :)
If it's possible to return them all and finish the cycle fishless (with bottled ammonia) it would be best. If they won't take them back, I guess you have to keep going like you are until the tank settles down. Maybe later, if the fish survive, a non-chain lfs would take a healthy bala and plecos in trade for other fish. Temp 78-80F sounds fine- at least they got that right.
i once had to take a gold gourami back becuase it was far to aggressive for my rainbow shark and they told me they wont take them back and next time i should pick a more compatible fish when they told me before then that all of the "semi aggresive" fish can go together. they also said that they no longer will give me a 14 day garantine so since then i havent been in that location. btw im talking about petsmart, forgot to mention that. :*)

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