thin electirc yellow


helping big fish eat little fish everyday
Dec 8, 2002
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UPPER Michigan
hey guys now that my 75 has been going for a while with my cichlids in it and now they are going to town breeding and growing. my qestion has two parts. 1) I have a female that has not grown any bigger since the day that I got her. and now she is even thiner now. and the other question is 2) I have a male that seems to be getting more black on his fins and body and was wonding if this is the norm for these fish.
juanveldez said:
labidochromis caerules( my latin sucks) and so does my spelling
No problem. I'm even worse at common names and that's the only reason I asked. A normal person would have known what you meant. :) It's just that some fish have different common names in different places so I try not to bother with them when it comes to cichlids.

How long have you had the female? What fish do you have in the tank with her? Do you see her getting harrassed by the male or any other fish? They aren't exactly the fastest growers and only get to around 4" anyways.

Is the female eating or seem uninterested? What type of foods have you tried so far?

It's normal for the male to get some black on the fins. I've never seen them get black on their bodies tho.
I actually got a 6 of them all at the same time. she seems to be eating normal and is realtivly left alone. I have had them for about 6 months the only reason that I am worried about her is that she is the only one that isn't growing. all of the other are about 2.5 inchs now. she is in a 75 gallon tank with 4 others of the same species and 3 aulonocara maisoni and 2 common pelcos. as far as what I have been feeding them they get small floating pellets for the staple of thier diet and I have been giving them some greens to munch on, plus also once in a great while some mosquito larvae that I have been able to grow outside. witch they seem to love!!!!
Hi m8,

I had the same thing with one of my red zebra's. It hasnt grown a bit it nearly a year. And then i say it holding eggs! I done some research and round out some fish are runts. They dont grow much.

Thats probably what it might be.

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