They've Finally Gone And Done It


Fish Addict
Jun 25, 2009
Reaction score
Ashford, Kent, UK
Well Ive had my clowns since setting up my first reef tank back in October 2010. They have always been happy and healthy in this time and have certainly grown. They are now our favourite fish, although in the cube they always sat in the back corner. This was a bit annoying as we didnt get to see them much. I decided that a BTA might help. The hope was that the anemone would sit at the front and that they would host it.

The anemone when we first got it:


Since that, the BTA morphed slightly with no bubbletips and then actually split into 2. During all this the clowns had never shown any interest in them. My plan had abviously not worked! :angry:

The BTA's:


Note: notice my carpenter wrasse, best looking fish ever! :drool: :blush: :lol:

As some of you may know I had an accident recently which forced me to put all my stock in my holding Vat. Now out of no-where I woke up this morning and they are only playing in the 2 anemones, swimming in and out of the tenticles. Little buggers, especially as I recently listed the 2 anemones for sale as I had given up. Well looks like ill be keeping one now.

I cant explain how happy it has made me, silly I know but hey! :blush: They are so cute, watching the relationship they have. Some pics:

The anemone the night before (empty)


In the morning





Now they are rarely leaving it. I now hope that when I move the stock over into the new tank I can put the anemone in a good spot and the clowns will be in view hosting it.

Does anyone know if they still will? Could the move stop them? Why would they suddenly start hosting them?

Any help would be great and hope you enjoy the news as much as me.

No advice from me but they look so cute in there! Makes me want to look at getting a nem in the future for my tank, but from what I have read they seem quite tempermental!!! Lot of experience for me before I think of getting one! Must be lovely seeing them in there finally! Congrats :)
Yeah thanks, I am so happy. I look down at them and cant help but smile. The funniest thing is that they both see me, stop and just look upwards!

I wouldnt advise getting a nem until the tank is mature and you are confident you have done enough research. If I am honest I maybe should have waited a bit longer but it has finally worked out okay. They are tricky, especially if they decide they dont like their current spot, as mine did more than once.

On a note, anyone in the Kent area want to buy a GBTA for £20 let me know as ill be listing it for sale.

they look fab mate I bet they really set the tank off now hosting the nem :good:
That looks amazing, How jealous can i be. Must be amazing sitting and watching that.

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