They're Here!


Fish Addict
Jun 15, 2005
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NB/NS/PEI (depends on time of year)
Eeeee! They arrived! I was sorta holding back making them a thread all their own until they arrived, but now that they have I just can't help myself :*)

Some people may recall a few weeks back when redbetta posted about a gorgeous copper marble PK whose shipping costs made him an uneconomical purchase. I offered to go halves with her on shipping if the breeder had any fish I liked, and lo and behold, what did I find to add to my breeding program, but . . .




Brutus breeder photo

Nero (father-to-be of the next spawn)



Nero breeder photo

They're so ALIVE. They hardly ever stop moving- such a difference from the long finned boys. I set them beside Sarima to get them fired up for photos, and she's now madly in love with both of them. She barred up in five seconds flat and she's still casting frantic looks at the towel that's now separating them . . . must be lust :lol:
Wooooow, they're beautiful!!! :wub:
Beautiful, glad to see you took both of them :nod: Nero is quite stunning, so is Brutus. I have a copper plakat that I bought back in June who's very similar and quite a flirt.
tyvm everybody :) They were such showoffs last night that I couldn't help showing them off myself :lol: I love them both to pieces but already I'm starting to see differences. Nero is actually noticeably smaller than Brutus, but his personality is twice the size; go figure :rolleyes:

I think they're a little confused; I just pulled an all nighter, so there's been at least one light on at all times (even if it's only the computer screen) and they haven't really had the chance to settle in properly. While Brutus is focusing on the towel by his bowl, almost as if he has X Ray vision and can see Sarima on the other side of it, Nero hasn't once (that I've seen) stopped trying to break out of his tank. He'll figure out eventually that it's a losing battle, I'm sure, but for now I'm just getting a kick out of him shimmying frantically along the front of it, trying to find an opening :p

What's more, Elphaba, who has been looking frighteningly thick around the middle the past couple days, has now risen to the challenge of enticing them as well. She's giving Brutus the 'come hither' look, and her bars are even more pronounced than Sari's, which is saying quite a bit. I suppose if she is on her way out, I'd much prefer to see her go this excited rather than moping at the bottom of her bowl. My silly, always-angry girl :wub:

ETA: and wuv, I was just chomping at the bit for any little excuse to take them both, as I'm sure you knew ;) I just very much appreciate you giving me one :lol:
Hehehe, gorgeous aren't they, I told you so :p

I feel right special, cause I started all this. I wanted my copper marble pk so bad but shipping was very pricey ( at least they came overnight and not 9 days later lol Synirr), so Andie helped me out. I'm glad you like the boys, I was worried they weren't going to get there hehe.

Hope you have a good time with them, they are gorgeous and probably just need to settle in first. They were stuck in those bags for a few days after all. They enjoyed the warmth they were in though! Chilled right out lol.

Good luck with them Andie! Let me know how they are doing once in a while, and I'll post pics of mine next week for sure!
Andie, don't you just love the coloured styrofoam that came in the box??? Tee I was tempted to keep it but I wanted you to know how they were shipped lol. Did you get my note too? ;)
Why does a betta lose all its color after being shipped? Is it because of stress?
Andie, don't you just love the coloured styrofoam that came in the box??? Tee I was tempted to keep it but I wanted you to know how they were shipped lol. Did you get my note too? ;)

Haha you could have kept it if you wanted it that badly. Tell you what, I'll pick out a really nice baby from the Nero spawn and send him to you with that styrofoam ;) I did get your note, and I can't wait to see pics of your boy and girl all coloured up intheir new home.

Durbkat, stress is definitely a factor in shipping but temperatures can be too. Bettas who are chilly are less active and not as vibrantly coloured as bettas in optimum temperatures, which is why I was so surprised mine coloured up as fast as they did when they got here. It was very cold and wet here last night, but they were colouring up and thrashing all over the place the second I took the bags out of the box. Quite a pair of characters, these two :p

I'm trying to get some better pics of Brutus but he refuses to oblige me. He's got such phenomenal colouring but he just won't stay still to let me capture it! Maybe tonight I can get something clearer.
Holy... :drool: Those are some smexy HM PK's! I'm so jealous! Their coloring is stunning, Andie. Congrats on your little boys, they sound like awesome Bettas.

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