They're Breeding!


Fish Herder
Oct 5, 2009
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Randomly looked into our goldfish tank about ten minutes ago to see one of the goldfish firing eggs out like there is no tomorrow. I thought they had been acting strangely these last 2 days :lol:

I don't think I'm going to be able to do anything though as I don't have a tank to move the goldfish into once they've finished :sad:
what size is the tank? if its heavely planted some might be ok. Do you have a breeding trap you could put them into just untill there big enough to not get eaten.
what size is the tank? if its heavely planted some might be ok. Do you have a breeding trap you could put them into just untill there big enough to not get eaten.

It's only a small tank that they are in, it's usually my hospital tank. They've only been in there two days whilst I do a bit of a change around.

I've caught about 20 eggs and put them in a pot, being careful not to take them out of the water in the process. Most in the tank have or are in the process of being eaten.

How do I know if the eggs will be useless or actually carrying anything? I don't want to keep sitting looking at this pot all excited for a week only to come to a disappointment :unsure:

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