They store sperm for 6 months!?


Fish Fanatic
Jul 25, 2003
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I specifically bought only female platys two weeks ago to put in my community tank because I don't want the babies to deal with. I figured with no males they might give birth once and then not again. Now I read on another forum that they can store the sperm of the male for 6 months! Is this true? :(
nene said:
I specifically bought only female platys two weeks ago to put in my community tank because I don't want the babies to deal with. I figured with no males they might give birth once and then not again. Now I read on another forum that they can store the sperm of the male for 6 months! Is this true? :(
Yes, it's true. And not only that, but livebearers can actually extend the length of their pregnancies and give birth when the environment is better for the fry's survival.

So if you get a female livebearer, beware! It could be pregnant or conceive months after there was any male around.
Oh wow, that is very interesting... That sorta bothers me that they would store it for that long because what if I wanted to cross breed the guppies sooner then 6 months :sad:
dnt woz ust provide good water conditions and some live food ocassionally then u would be fine!!! :D :thumbs:
nene said:
I specifically bought only female platys two weeks ago to put in my community tank because I don't want the babies to deal with. I figured with no males they might give birth once and then not again. Now I read on another forum that they can store the sperm of the male for 6 months! Is this true? :(
I dont think they store sperm for 6 months i think it is a much shorther time because i dont think sperm will live that long and also i think they hold it for less time and the broards of platies gets smaller each time.
I think they only hold sperm for the most of 3 months because they start with loads of babies and it gets smaller.

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