They Made Me!


Fish Crazy
Sep 17, 2009
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Ok, so I went to my LFS to get some barbs complete with a list in hand to see what they had in their tanks (huge selection). The first row I walked down I saw the rosy barbs. Ok.. definitely a possibility. Then a little bit further a whole tank of barbs followed my every move. It was sooo neat that I had to get them!! So, I got 6 to go with my loaches at the moment, and will add more in a week or two. I will be adding a pair of Kribensis last.

Any insight to these barbs from those who have them?
Ok, so I went to my LFS to get some barbs complete with a list in hand to see what they had in their tanks (huge selection). The first row I walked down I saw the rosy barbs. Ok.. definitely a possibility. Then a little bit further a whole tank of barbs followed my every move. It was sooo neat that I had to get them!! So, I got 6 to go with my loaches at the moment, and will add more in a week or two. I will be adding a pair of Kribensis last.

Any insight to these barbs from those who have them?

I don't have them, but I now in hindsight wish I had researched them better, as I discovered their "common name" is a devious trick... Apparently, they became known as Odessa Barbs, as the first place on record to be selling them commercially was the Ukraine capital. However, they actually come from Myanmar (new name for Burma), whose borders were very tight until recent times (lots of political unrest).

For "peace and harmony" your fish store staff should have given you no more than two males in the group of six. ;)

If I recall rightly, these fish thrive in planted tanks and will reward you with some gorgeous colour in such conditions.
Hmm, the "edit" function is not working properly...

Its great to see that your water stats have been good for the last few days after all that trouble you had and posted in the "Beginners section", .However, because of this recent trouble, I felt the need to add this post...

It appears that your tank's bacteria had finally caught up with your fish load a few days ago. By adding a new batch of stocky fish so soon, you are risking another "mini-tank crash" (where you will find traces of ammonia; nitrite; some less toxic nitrate), as your bacteria culture is now playing catchup again with your fish stocking. Ideally, you should have given your rectified crisis about two weeks to know everything was definite alright again, just in case this all goes sour once again.

Consequently, please be very conservative with feeding for the next couple of weeks and do not get any more fish in the meantime. Only add enough food for the loaches for the next two days (the size of their eyes is a good guide to the size of a fish's stomach) once a day, as your new Barbs are likely to be too stressed to eat for at least 24 hours (there are exceptions, like my Garras, but its rare). On the third day, start adding enough food for all the fish, no more than the size of their eyes, once daily. Schedule a set day in the week to have as a "day of famine," where you do not feed your fish, for me its Tuesdays.

I might sound like an old record, as I wrote a lot of the above in your crisis thread, but I'm thinking of your fish and your long term enjoyment.
I do appreciate the advice. :)

I requested 2 males & 4 females. I will not be adding anymore fish for a while.. and then it will be 6 more females. I will be watching the stats religiously and will not be feeding a lot until things are settled down, and then I will watch what I feed them.

Thank you.

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