They Get Bloated And Die! Help!


New Member
May 30, 2007
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near Richmond Va
ok. just bear with me on this

i have a 55 u.s. gal. tank set up and it has been fine until...

one day our tank became over come with alge, just over night! so we treated the water with an algae killer (which i was scared of because at the time we had an algae eater) and after water changes and repeated treatments, the water was clear again and the algae was gone for the most part. then my fish started dying, first it was the pictus, then the leporanus, then the algae eater, then nothing died for a while.

all of em had swollen bellies, good color and didn't show signs of being sick. ???? :sick:

i assumed the tank was fine and got a knife fish for my husband, and everything was fine for a month or so, then all of the sudden, my cory cat (who i had in three different tanks, and for about 8 months,) just dropped dead. then a week later the ghost knife, then my 9 month old kissing gourami and my angel.

ok, they also had swollen bellies but much less than the others, only a slight puff, and i put the angel out of his misery, because he was still alive and had stopped swimming and was just floating with the current. (i put him in a bag with plenty of water and into my freezer in hopes that he would go to sleep :rip: :unsure: )

i dont know what to do!!! my fish cant live for more than a month, with the exception of my 3 loaches, three different gouramies and 6 cory. i gave in and put in some of my platy babies, in hopes that they will live or die and if they die maybe i can figure out why!!!!

any help?

swollen bellies?


the algae killing stuff?

maybe nitrates?

Well the algae stuff probably killed your algae eating fish because it's basically killing the algae, so whatever eats the algae is killed to.

Are you sure you dosed correctly with the algae medication?
How often are water changes performed?

What are the water stats of the tank?

Do the scales of the bloated fish seemed puffed out like a pine cone?
i put him in a bag with plenty of water and into my freezer in hopes that he would go to sleep :rip: :unsure:
I know its to late now, but putting them in the freezer is one of the most in inhumain ways of euthinising a fish, they slowly die as the water tempreture drops and as ice crystals form in their bodys. the angle would of gone through quite alot of pain before he/she passed away. :-(

the most humane way to euthinise a fish is to quickly chop of its head and then stick a pin in its brain, the pin is because brain activity will continue for 10 seconds after it has been removed from the body....... (its yucky but the nicest way to do it).

another humane way is to get some ice water, add some ice cubes, put it in the freexer for 10 mins, break the surface and quickly add the fish into the the mixture, usualy by the time its hit the bottom its gone.

or get some tank water, add some clove oil to it and mix it, get the fish in a small container (a cup will do) and slowly add the clove oil mixture, when the gill movement is slow the fish will be asleep, quickly add it to the highest strenght alcohol you have (vodka will do) the alcohol will shock the nervious system and breathing will stop all while the fish is asleep and didn't know what was going on.

the blender........ this was rated (in a different topic) 90% humane if the blender was already on and 30% if it was off.
this only works for large fish realy, one whoes head it deeper then the blades are high.
the methord is to drop the fish head first. and that realy all there is too it (except the clean up :sick: )

there are many ways to do it, and hopefull it will never have to be done, but when the time comes.... make sure its best for the fish (even if it does sound grouse :sick: )
i put him in a bag with plenty of water and into my freezer in hopes that he would go to sleep :rip: :unsure:
I know its to late now, but putting them in the freezer is one of the most in inhumain ways of euthinising a fish, they slowly die as the water tempreture drops and as ice crystals form in their bodys. the angle would of gone through quite alot of pain before he/she passed away. :-(

the most humane way to euthinise a fish is to quickly chop of its head and then stick a pin in its brain, the pin is because brain activity will continue for 10 seconds after it has been removed from the body....... (its yucky but the nicest way to do it).

another humane way is to get some ice water, add some ice cubes, put it in the freexer for 10 mins, break the surface and quickly add the fish into the the mixture, usualy by the time its hit the bottom its gone.

or get some tank water, add some clove oil to it and mix it, get the fish in a small container (a cup will do) and slowly add the clove oil mixture, when the gill movement is slow the fish will be asleep, quickly add it to the highest strenght alcohol you have (vodka will do) the alcohol will shock the nervious system and breathing will stop all while the fish is asleep and didn't know what was going on.

the blender........ this was rated (in a different topic) 90% humane if the blender was already on and 30% if it was off.
this only works for large fish realy, one whoes head it deeper then the blades are high.
the methord is to drop the fish head first. and that realy all there is too it (except the clean up :sick: )

there are many ways to do it, and hopefull it will never have to be done, but when the time comes.... make sure its best for the fish (even if it does sound grouse :sick: )

Umm... Thats disgusting. Don't listen to that :S Thats horrible! I'm actually shocked! He's right that putting it in the freezer was a bad move. But thats just gross, and no one should be able to do that to their pets :S :S :S :blink: I sure as hell wouldn't chop my cats head off and never in a blender so I'm not going to do it to my fish.
"or get some tank water, add some clove oil to it and mix it, get the fish in a small container (a cup will do) and slowly add the clove oil mixture, when the gill movement is slow the fish will be asleep, quickly add it to the highest strength alcohol you have (vodka will do) the alcohol will shock the nervous system and breathing will stop all while the fish is asleep and didn't know what was going on.

another humane way is to get some ice water, add some ice cubes, put it in the freezer for 10 mins, break the surface and quickly add the fish into the the mixture, usualy by the time its hit the bottom its gone."

That is good advise... But I beg you to never chop your fishes head off and stick a pin in it, or put it in a blender... That sounds like something a psycho Junior serial killer would do... Really no offense but I find that appalling, considering the clove oil or glass of cold water works much better and theres no crazy decapitation or violence involved...
By the way, next time... If there is a next time. You have a huge algae boom like that. I would recommend getting an apple snail or two. (Pomacea bridgesii)

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