They Don't Even Know What They Have..


Fish nerd
Mar 19, 2008
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I loat one little BN pleco when I was on vacation not sure what happen one of my pictus cats my dog found dry. So I was looking for another bottom fish for that tank. I saw these pretty good sized spotted Rubber nose pleco.
I ask "how much for the rubbernose."
The shop owner said "what ones the Bushy nose"
ME "No the rubber nose plecos they don't have the bristels they have a fatter lip also called bulldog plecos."
Owner " Oh is that what they are"
Me " Yeah"
owner "I never ordered them I just ordered BN plecos they must have given me the wrong ones."

So I bought one for $12. I never see the spotted Rubber nose plecos so I was pretty happy. He is in QT we will see how he does. I had a differant kind of Rubber nose pleco but lose him to badly placed powerhead.

Here is my bushy nose pleco hahaha
Very pretty, how dig is he/she?
I bought a sailfin bristlenose last weekend couldn't resist looked so small and cute
Thanks I love my plecos I have 4 now. This one is a gem. He is doing well. lights are off and he is checking his new space out. Being active i just need to figuare out what he likes to eat now.
That's a lovely looking Chaetostoma!

Have you gone through all the (30-odd) species at Planet Catfish, to work out which species it it? Does not look like the common ones (pearsi, milesi, thomsoni), that smooth coloured body and long drop-off from the eyes to the snout edge looks rather unique.
Yup that's what he is. I need to find a food he likes. I put a cucumber last night I don't think he liked it. The tank he is in has little algea but I could move rocks from my other tank in for him to eat the algea off that. I put a few blood worms in and impretty sure he eats them. I always find these guys so hard to feed. Any tips on what plecos go crazy for?

He still has poop and him belly in not sunken in so I know he is getting something.
one of mine goes mental just for a boggo standard algae disc. i just put a bit of cucumber in and while he started eating it, he wasnt overly impressed. i really want one of those plecs you got, looks mega. ive been on the lookout for a small plec for my tank for a while now. ive got 2 that will get relatively big, but something rubbernose/bulldog sized that stays quite small would be perfect.

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