They Did It! (copper Couple)


Jun 6, 2005
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British Columbia - Canada
What a great male! i just got him the day before yesterday, put him in the new tank, waited half a day, put the female in the holey bowl - released last night before bed and an hour ago they spawned!
i wasn't very optimistic this morning because there was no bubble nest but when i went down at around noon the bubble nest took up half the tank on the opposite side of the tank as the breeding cup. so the nest wasn't very stable so i decided to move the cup over the nest and then freaked out because he got more aggressive with the female. But they both calmed down and by 4:30 they were embracing!
He was very gentle with her - only 2 tiny nips on her tail, and they were both so attentive to the eggs.
It was so great to watch.
Here's the male

and the girly

and the embrace! :wub:

I'm so happy about this spawn
the last was so tiny - i'm not gonna make the same mistake this time of waiting till morning to take the male out!
Oh, good job!!! Those are some sexy fish!!! :hey:

Looking forward to the babies!!! :hyper:
Those are gonna be some sexy babies! :hyper:
Always saw plakat's as warrior fish :D

Your gonna have some nice copper warriors.
I wish the plants werent' in the way - i could get a much clearer shot. But anyway - this is what i did get!


It looks like a lot of eggs to me!
I should be seeing tail by tonight.
Oh geez... I hope you wanted a big spawn, because it looks like you've certainly got one!!
These babies are BIG!
compared to kaden and wookies babies, i think they're double if not triple the size- it's amazing!
There's also a very distinct colour difference in this one batch - very dark ones and very light ones...i'm very excited about that!
Daddy's doing a great job and put them right up into the nest as opposed to Kaden sitting halfway between the nest and the bottom and just spits them back up to the nest.
I'm over the moon about this spawn - however big it is!
Synirr, you've probably been asked this before but how do you make that pic in ur signature of all ur fish? It' s really cool!

I used Adobe Photoshop ;)

fishykisses -- Those pics are just great! I don't think the babies could help but be gorgeous! It's interesting that there are dark and light ones
hi. congrats!

can you post a pic of the whole setup? It looks like you have a lot of plants in there and I may just try that on my next attempt.


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