They did it again...


Fish Herder
Sep 21, 2004
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Well, I just moved those eggs not a week ago and I got them all situated and have 7 or more fry swimming around.

I look over at the tank and in the same corner on almost the same spot I have eggs again! And I have a feeling that the female, which I have now identified, is looking for a spot to put more. :/

I moved what was there to the breeder tank. I guess I will have no problem with filling my cory quota. :/

Edit: No water change since the last tank move. Temp has not fluctuated more than 1 Degree since switching heaters... and the only bonus they got ended up being eaten 90% or my guppys was Brine Shrimp.
More fry, eh? If you don't want to deal with the eggs, just add some Neons to your tank - they'll take care of 'em in short order :lol: My Neons love the Cory eggs!

My Corys spawn every couple of weeks, whether or not I condition them to (not that I've ever tried conditioning them to spawn). -_- I don't know that it's very healthy for 'em...but I don't know how to stop it either, short of getting rid of the female.

Good luck with the fry! :thumbs:

aka Married Lizard :wub:
I will keep the eggs because I can raise them and sell them to my LFS....

But, I now have MORE! As of this morning there is another little batch and I'm 99% sure it was the bronze. I'm starting to differentiate egg color.
Hi enchanted :)

It could well be your bronze corys spawning too. Once they are mature, both the C. aeneus (bronze and albino) and the and the C. paleatus (peppered cory) are very prolific. Once they begin spawning, they will likely continue for a while. :nod:

While we in the Northern Hemisphere are going into fall, the Southern Hemisphere is going into their spring season. Since this is the natural habitat of the corys, their biological clocks might still be attuned to this. Then too, they might just be doing what all healthy young creatures like to do. :flex: :hey: :wub:
Well, I know who spawned the most originally. I counted at least 15 today that are of decent size (i.e. about 1") and I can tell which breed they are also now. :)

Almost all of these 15 (13 or more) are Peppered corys. :)

I only want 7 in my 125G of Peppers so as soon as they are big enough to get a decent guage of the sex I will be letting the other 6 go. :)

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