They are dropping like flies


Ex-LFS manager/ keeper of over 30 danio species
May 26, 2004
Reaction score
Kent UK
In the last week I have lost many fish :-( , I have been battling an outbreak of lice in my 4ft tank, now I seem to have a bacterial outbreak in my bow front tank.

The water parameters are
nitrite 0
nitrate 5
ph 7.6
ammonia 0

So far I have lost my female betta (Cathy), 2 moustached danios, 3 giant danios, 1 Bengal danio, 4 dwarf danios, 6 neon tetras, 1 pearl danio and 1 danio roseus. :byebye:

I have been doing 20% water changes daily and adding aquilibrium tonic salt and an anti-bacterial medication. The temperature has been raised to 82f.

I am really at a loss as to when this will end, all I can do is hope for the best and continue to treat the fish.

So sorry to hear of your losses. I have my fingers crossed that the treatment will work for you........It does sound like you are doing all you can. -_-
Good Luck.xx.
PAUL!! no way!! your poor danios :eek: and others :-(
its so not fair :no:
my best regards in treating your tank


:rip: :byebye: rest in peace lil guys... im sorry i didnt come see you :byebye:
Oh no, I'm so sorry to hear this! Your poor Danios and little Betta. :-( :-( I wish I could help you out in some way, but it seems like you are doing everything you can for the little guys. :-( :-( I'm very very sorry. :sad:

:rip: little fishies. :byebye:
Thanks to all.
I belive the lice came from the tetras i recently introduced.
I am using my qurenteen tank for fry at the moment, so it's a hard lesson to learn. always have a qurenteen tank on hand.
I'm sorry you're going through this :( It's so rough to work so hard for these little fishies and lose them despite all your best efforts.

I hope you get this problem licked in no time! :flex:
just a thought...

do a large water change and then dose the tank - doing water changes while medicating will dilute the meds.

good luck

(I know how you feel - we're having a bit of a time of it at the moment too.
Our fish list is dropping in number - one of this, one of that...) :dunno:
Chooklet said:
Seems everyone is having a bad fish week....I lost 2 healhty guppies yesterday, a platy at the end of last week and a neon disappeared earlier this week.....
Definitely a bad week here :( Mine is in part due to faulty test kits telling me my nitrates were <20 when they were actually 50+ :grr: :grr:
Update :(
3 more neon tetras, 2 WCMM's, my male killiefish and another pearl danio. :byebye:

When will it end? :no: :dunno:

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