they always go in 2's


Michelle's Hot
May 3, 2004
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again 2 fish died. my favorite fish fantasia and then my guppy jasmine whent missing. last week 2 died, and 2 the week before. waters all good, had it tested at the store. its so sad. :-(
Sorry to haer about your losses :drink:

To Fantasia and Jasmine, may they :rip: :drink:
Missing ? could it be attcked by somthing? anywway the fish could of had smope sort of disease already..sorry for your loss..
Sorry for your loss wrs. We all hate it when our fish die and when the fish of others die.
Also i have to suggest to you that you need to get test kits for yourself. Often they can mean starting treatment days earlier than if we rely on the LFS for water testing. This can mean the diference between a fish death and saving a fish as the early detection of a problem can often prevent a disaster and each fish death is exactly that.
also you may want to bring your fish to the lfs to see if they see any signs of disease you didnt.
i had the water checked last night. when i took the fish out of the water her tail was all messed up and ripped. last night i saw my guppies tail was like that 2. ill have 2 get a test kit this weekend. ive had the fish for 5 months so i know it wasnt a disease from them being new or anything. i hink they were killed by my mollie. it used 2 kill other fish with its friend a silver molly. she was put in w/a betta that was flaring at her and she stopped, and so did the one i have now. she died 1 week ago i think from pregnancey issues because she was quite large. scence then hes been mean again and back to his new ways. i also have some gouramis i got last thursday, do u think it could have been them. theyre really nice little girls though, i hope its not because ive becume attached to the little bule one because she seems not that smart and is small, and its like my cat so thats why i like it.

and thanks all for saying ur sorry. its hard 2 loose a favorite fish. and fantasia was the last of my original 4 tropical fish ive ever had. :(

i think fantasi was pregnate, last time she was going to have fry she was acting the same and was getting big.

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