
which type of themometer do you use?

  • internal glass

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • external stick on

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • internal digital (with batteries)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • external digital(with batteries)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • other

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Ex-LFS manager/ keeper of over 30 danio species
May 26, 2004
Reaction score
Kent UK
I've just broke another glass on, so I'm going to the stick on type.
just wondered what everyone else uses.
I use the internal glass ones.

Just removed my external stick-on from mt 29g. I wasn't very accurate after I tested it with 3 different glass ones.

How do tou keep breaking them danio? :dunno:
The external stick on ones go bad after a while. I switched to a hang on, internal glass style and like it, old fashioned but reliable and accurate.
cometcattle said:
How do tou keep breaking them danio? :dunno:
When I use my mag cleaner, you've only got to touch it and it breaks :(
i have an extremly accurite glass mercury kodak thermometer used for photography chemicals. it is encased in thick stainless steel and near indestructable.
i use a lgass one nicked from a school science lab :rolleyes: there are two stick-on ones on my tank as well tht have been there for three years and are totally wrecked, one of them constantly reads 30, the other 27, i keep meaning to take them off but i never do. *sigh*
Half of mine are external stick-on ones, and the other half are metal internal ones.
external on all the tanks and 2 glass internals that swap tanks regularly (and go in buckets for water changes.

I also have an expensive digital probe one that gets used from time to time...
luxum said:
The external stick on ones go bad after a while. I switched to a hang on, internal glass style and like it, old fashioned but reliable and accurate.
Mine was dead when I took it off too. :/

The metal hang-on is accurate, but I couldn't close any of my hoods all the way.
I would always remember to remove it during cleaning right after I knocked it off.
I use the internal ones for all my tank. It's not because I like them or anything it's just what I got with all my tank pakages...hehe. They're good anyway.

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