There Eating My Plants!


Fish Addict
Apr 5, 2004
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yesterday i went and baught some live plants for my tank coz i couldnt stand the fake ones anymore, anyways late last night i finished planting it all, this morning when looking all the apples snails have been eating them, i didnt think they ate live plants?????

if this is true im gunna have to move them somewhere else in to a tank of there own.
You could try tempting them with something else. Some slightly wilted well washed lettuce just might do the trick. I have purple mystery snails which I understand are an apple snail. I don't have any trouble out of them eating any plants that aren't already dieing off. Good luck
every day i give them veg to munch on, the get a baby mix of veg and cucumber, pluss they eat the bristle noses algi pellets. little bugars aint happy unless the eat my once nice live plants lol
Most apple snails are plant-eaters I believe. The mystery snail, of course, is an exception.
hi do you know what spicies of apple snail you have, some do eat plants others dont

My snail was only labeled as an apple snail so I don't know what species it is. When it moves to a better spot I will take a picture and post. :snap: Thank you shaz. I hope this helps clover.

What plants do have clover?



edit: added pictures

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