Then The Tentacle Came From My Rock!


Fish Crazy
Apr 25, 2006
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so it started out as a gr8 day went to town n so on, i got home and i was showing my tank off to a friend, she saw everything but my blenny, so i searched everywhere even outside of the tank, still no sign, so as were talking i cleaned the glass where i never really payed alot of attention before and i noticed a burrow underneath my rock, not justy a burrow, a cave dug under my rock and the rocks leading to the cave were black, so it interested me, so i looked at the perfect angel only to see a long tentacle dangling from the cave coming from underneath my rock i didnt think it was anything so i spoke, my voice scared whatever it was and the tentacle curled back up into my live rock, the tentacle being an inch long and about 1/4 inch thick, but i couldnt make it out clearly, so at that point every option ran through my head, a hitchiker yes it had to be, a octopus doubt it but thats what i saw, a crab no, a mantis shrimp maybe since you cant tell whats what of them in the dark. so after i realized my blenny wasnt coming out i worried this thing might have eaten it, i went an got a thick plastic glove, and flipped the rock over only to find a deep cave curling back into my rock, it was never there before, (ill explain later) so i waited, and to my amazement, i see a crab with a thick body about 3/4's of an inch thick and an inch long total length, so i watched him and i now know that i cant get a picture of him, since the cave is deep and he sucks back into it at any fright, but i do know that hes a big fellow for such a new tank, hes a pitch black color with a brownish terqoize tint, his claws are thick and the thing has no hair what so ever, perfectly smooth and shiny, and the mouth has white things lines like 5 that move back and fourth almost like teeth but flexible, now i know this cant be a gorrilla crab, anyway i put the rock back and watched he stuck his claw out of the cave and dangled it over the hole he had dug to the surface, so to see what would happen i dropped food near it till one floated into the cave and to my beleife his claw grabbed it, so now i figure he feeds this way,(duh) i hope he isnt dangerous and i was just wondering if anyone had any pictures with good hitchiker crabs or anytype, its smooth like a sallylightfoot, but very thick and stubby and no hair like a gorrilla crab, its a very clean good looking crab and it almost looks like the crabs you see at a freshwater petstore the ones that are smooth, oh and the eyes are very far apart, i can draw a pic but i cant take a pic ill try to get the pic of his claw dangling but till then any1 have any ideas or suggestions, now when i got this rock it must have been filled with sediment because every few days ide notice a pile of sand, sitting at the end of a bigger and bigger hole, but the hole never grew this big and i realize this hole was now a cave i think it was filled with sediment wich mr crab soon cleared out.. to make his home... its funny just recently i posted in another forum that i have had almost every hitchiker except for a crab, well i was wrong, should i be worried or excited... the cave is very noticable... from the misplacement of the gravel. now anywheyz
Does it look like this porcelin crab?

no that looks similar in claw size, but the rest of the legs arent long they are short and stubby and its a different shape, it looks liek a freshwater crab but i kno thats impossible... here if u go to and type in Black crab, the first pic looks similar to it. or heres the link the first one is the pic im tlking about...
hmm well i never found an id, but since my fd, my fs, and my baby unknown coral wich i cant get a pic of it still gorwing so i figure its reef safe i see it out every night rumaging for food but i never see any damage to anything so maybe hes ok :) (knock on wood)

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