The Updated Fluval Edge Light


New Member
Mar 5, 2012
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Manchester, United Kingdom
I havn't had this tank for long and the lighting was great, since i put my air stone in though the condensation seems to have gotten into the protective case and burnt most of the LED lights out, I have ordered a replacement for it but would like to know of any way to prevent condensation from getting into it again :/
What about making up a cover glass for the tank? Some acrylic could work well.
Maybe a plastic mesh over the top so the condensation hits that before the lights. It wouldn't stop it all together but would reduce the amount.
A "cover glass" (sometimes also referred to as "condensation tray") is a piece of transparent plastic/acrylic or glass that is placed over the opening of the aquarium to prevent evaporation of water, fish from jumping out of the tank and/or to prevent any of the electrical appliances from getting wet :good:
Wouldnt that cut air circulation? even though the air stone provides air and so do the plants, wouldnt covering it cut it by alot?

A "cover glass" (sometimes also referred to as "condensation tray") is a piece of transparent plastic/acrylic or glass that is placed over the opening of the aquarium to prevent evaporation of water, fish from jumping out of the tank and/or to prevent any of the electrical appliances from getting wet :good:
Wouldnt that cut air circulation? even though the air stone provides air and so do the plants, wouldnt covering it cut it by alot?
If you have an airstone, it will not make any difference to air circulation at all because the airstone brings in air from outside the tank, so will "push out" the used air from the top of the tank past any cover.

In a normal aquarium, most of the gas exchange happens when the surface of the water moves, and having a cover above the water will not prevent this in any way, and with the air being refreshed by the airstone, there should be no need to worry about it becoming stagnant.

If you did not have the airstone, having a cover glass would have cut down the air circulation, but if you stocked with the surface area in mind, then you probably would have still had enough as cover glasses are usually loose fitting. If you are still worried about circulation, what about an L shaped cover glass? So that it covers only a small bit of the front of the opening and then comes up behind the lights. That sort of thing will not affect air circulation at all, while protecting the lights.

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