The Ultimate In Lazy?


Fish Gatherer
Sep 1, 2009
Reaction score
Newcastle upon Tyne, UK
Who knew snails could have such personality, and resemble teenagers….

I have young Sulawesi snails; their favourite snack is honeydew melon; so after putting the melon in and leaving it; I went back to check on them. I see one of my snails on his back…with a chunk of melon on him; he was lying on his back eating the melon like a … well something really lazy lol. It’s not so funny to explain now, but I did get photos of the lazy lump. After I took the photos; he righted himself and sulked off.
Aww, that's cute!

Years and years ago (oh god, don't flame me for this!) I used to have two tropical snails that lived in a goldfish bowl on the storage heater. Lovely they were, with massivly long feelers.
They used to 'play' by climbing up to the top of the bowl and then letting go and sinking down to the bottom.
Then some idiot who lived in the house with me turned the heater up one night without telling me and when I looked at them the next morning, they were both cooked :byebye:
I still miss those snails, and that must have been 20 years ago now.
I saw another one doing it last night lol.

One burys into the gravel to "sleep" and the other 2 just roll on their backs with their bodies hanging out....anyone else see the potential 'safety aspect' of The best way to protect yourself when sleeping is to roll on our backs and hang thinks not.

I should post the photos of "lazy".
Silly question :rolleyes: of course pics are needed :lol:

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