The Truth About Puffers


New Member
Mar 26, 2006
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Portland, Oregon, US
Ok, my girlfriend and I have gotten too much different advice about dwarf puffers. We currently have a 5 gallon hexagonal tank going through its cycle and we are just waiting to find out the truth. The most recent advice came from a guy at a lps. He told us dwarf puffers arent really aggressive at all, you can put them with community fish only! If put with semi-aggressive or aggressive fish, the puffers will go on a rampage and start eating fish from the fins to their heads!

Hopefully someone knows a little something and can help us out.
Is there really any point in risking it? Dwarf puffers are so tiny anyway they're best enjoyed in a species tank. Have you seen Sir Minion's photo of what a 1" dwarf puffer can do to a 2" tetra when it goes on the rampage? Not pretty viewing...
Ya, we were planning on putting them in a species tank, but werent sure about a community tank. No, I didnt see the picture yet and I wish I could have taken a quick shot of what my tiger barb did to my tetras!
A puffer would do worse to the tiger barbs. Don't listen to the LPS guy, he's one of those who doesn't know what he's talking about.
a 5 gal species tank is a bout the best thing for a dwarf puffer. but only a single one. they are horrible community fish, unless you want them to be the only thing in your tank at the end. you can put more than one in a tank together, but the tank should be like 20 gal for best results. people have had success with 2-3 in a 10 gal tank, but it really comes down to them being the cutest but most aggressive little buggers around!!!

personally if you want one, put only 1 in a 5 gal and nothing more and you should be good!!!
I agree with 2 in a 5 gallon, I think that is generally ok if you get them both at the same time and from the same place. I've had two in a 5 gallon with no problems.
if you want the best advice go to the puffer expert in the oddball section SirMinion, he knows all that you could ever need!!! he gave me the info that i gave you, you could ask him to see what he says. he has kept many different puffers over the years and is very knowledgable.
I've seen dwarf puffers kept with neons, but I WOULDNT recommend this at all, they really should only be mixed with small loaches or armoured catfish if anything at all.

2 in a 5G would do fine, just make sure you keep on top of water changes and filter cleans as they can be real messy. And remember, you'll need to feed them snails to keep their beaks filed down, aswell as cockle or mussel.

I've got 3 in a 20g. I probably wouldn't do 2 in a 5g, If you do though, I'd recommend that you add lots of hiding places with plants etc.

They're definitely not community fish though.

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