The Tetra Tail Bob


Fish Connoisseur
Jun 18, 2005
Reaction score
Fresno, CA
I have never really known: what is the best treatment for a tetra that is bouncing on its tail with no other symptoms.?

I have never been able to treat this condition successfully, and as I have a nice black phantom that has begun to bob I thought I'd check it out.

Anything beyond qt?
Not sure about bobing but tial standing can be swim badder desease.
Does he look bloated.
No, Wilder.

Thank you for responding.

I have seen this in many Tetras over time. I don't know whether it is a symptom for many ailments or what. It may be neurological. This fish did not survive the night. They stand on their tail and bob up and down. It puts them at a disadvantage. When startled they can dash about, but the rest of the time they bob. This Tetra was a few years old.

I am inclined toward neurological damage that could be caused by more than one thing. I have had them manage for long periods, but eventually....

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