The Tank


Fish Herder
Sep 16, 2003
Reaction score
Houston, Texas
I already know size matters :*) but what i want to know does shape matter? I am about to buy an aquarium and was planning on a 30 gallon hex shape to put in a corner.

After some reading and discussing with fish people I am being told that a hex shape may be interesting to look at but not so good for fish...something to do with surface level and not enough oxygen at the bottom.

Looking a your basic community tank.

I know that size matters and so many people tried to talk me into the typical long low aquariums. I stood my grounds and got a 60 gallon hex tank and I LOVE IT!!! I do know I can't keep as many fish in it and that water changes are very crucial for more oxygen etc, but all is going well. It is deeper than a regular tank and water change day is probably more time consuming-thecleaning part-just getting in is a challenge-my husband cracks up when I am halfway down into it. But i love the way it looks, the fish are very happy-so whatever------------I like to be different.
I'll send you a photo when I get my digital camera back from my daughter.
Deb :nod:
First decide on the type of fish you want to keep. Some fish like to swim back and forth, or are very territorial. The lack of "floor space" in these instances would stress your inhabitants.

hi, i think that you choice of tank is your choice, whatever you want it to be. you just need to be aware of the fact that you should choose your fish accordingly,you may be limited to what your choices are in a hex for the reasons you already mention,but as long as the fish are not stressed then you will be may need to research into what fish to keep and to check the conditions of a hex are adequate.. i have ahex as a third tank. i cant keep as many fish in it as i would a 'normal' tank and i have only two corys in there at the moment .but the tank is planted .fish are extremely happy,active and well,and it is a nice feature tank. :) pebbles
Thanks for the input....i think i'm hearing not as many fish as a typical 30gal. and probably not good for big swimmers such as Danios?

Thanks again
ive also got a hexhagonal tank which was about £35 squid!!! How many gallons would that be then peps? P.s the tank works well for me, and it adds a angle of interest to my tank.
depends on the size,i was given my hex.when i filled it with water i measured the quantity!!!.there is away of calculating tho[dont know for a hex].someone else may be able to help :) pebbles
spanky, if you look under tropical chit chat,'how many galls is it' there is a reply by tatya which a web link to a calculator that includes a hex calculator.[post date 9/8 2003 ].. hope this helps :) pebbles

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